Nowadays, everybody wants to be a coach. There is something special in being able to say “I help improve someone’s life,” that is very alluring.
There are 3 authors that have been able to do something valuable with the help they’ve given others. Without further ado, let me introduce you to three inspirational coaches worthy of The Most Loving People Of Our Time Award.
Denise Linn*****

Who she is: Last week, I highlighted Meadow Linn, a chef, writer and wonderful soul. Today, I’ll be highlighting her mom, Denise Linn, a lecturer and healer who has traveled to nineteen countries to teach people that our life is influenced by more than our senses can perceive. It is influenced by energy.
A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting Denise Linn at a talk that I attended.
When I entered the conference room, she was dressed in a white suit and seated on a chair on-stage. Denise exuded peace and warmth.
The stage was decorated with Christmas lights. I had never seen a stage decorated with Christmas lights before.
At the time I attended this talk, I had only known Denise’s work for a little while, but the fact that she paid attention to what the stage looked like made me realize that what she was going to present, would be different.
Based on the extra care that she put into decorating the stage, it is no surprise that Denise is a feng chui expert. So much so, that she wrote the 2nd book feng shui book written in English.
Denise later became a best-selling Hay House author. And she coined the term “space clearing” and became known as a space clearing expert, as well. So much so, that her book Sacred Space, which talks about space clearing, is her best seller.
What her best talent is: If you’ve ever listened to Denise, you’ll notice that she has a very happy voice. She sounds like you would sound when you’re the happiest.
However, her voice can go from the high and cheery, to the deep and calming.
In order for you to hear this change, I highly recommend listening to her Soul Coaching guided meditations (which she also refers to as soul journeys), which she includes in each of her Soul Coaching Hay House Radio Show episodes.
You can go to her author profile on Hay House Radio to see when her radio show is on according to your time zone. You can also set up a reminder on your calendar so that you don’t miss her upcoming episodes. Or, if you’re a Hay House Wisdom Community member, you can listen to her shows at any time, download them onto your mobile devices and take them with you on the go.
When you listen to her guided meditations, her voice deepens to provide you with a deep visualization experience.
What her best talent is: Writing and forgiving are two of her best talents.
I consider Denise to be a prolific writer. She has written 14 books and many of them have been translated into 26 languages. I especially appreciate the diverse topics that she’s been talking about before they became as “cool” as they are now. Because of the value that she provides to others, Denise has been featured on Oprah and the Discovery Channel.
Often, you hear of sad stories of children who were abused, unloved and unprotected as children. Denise was unfortunately, one of those children who didn’t get all of the love she deserved.
Her childhood story had repercussions that lasted even after she got married. One of the running themes behind her struggles was unworthiness. For her, it manifested by her feeling so unworthy of having money or things that for a period of time after she was married, she often gave things away during the day, when her husband was at work. This happened to the point that sometimes her husband David would come home and ask where a household item was and Denise would say that she gave it away.
Aside from overcoming this generous tendency, Denise has overcome several difficult things like abuse, hunger, not having an ideal childhood or adolescence (although, who really does have an ideal adolescence?), a near-death experience, and poverty.
Under traditional circumstances, someone who has undergone what Denise has undergone would at the very least, have a tendency to be bitter. However, Denise is far from it.
She has been able to turn:
- Her “don’t have children” diagnosis into having a daughter as luminous as Meadow.
- The poor parenting she received into great parenting
- A poor relationship with her parents to a great relationship with Meadow.
- Having parents who weren’t a prime example of what love is, to having a soulful relationship with her husband, David in order to teach Meadow what a solid and loving relationship looks like.
- Poverty into financial stability and freedom
- Chaos into peace
Denise has traveled the world teaching what she does and has now accumulated financial reward for the work that she has done. She could essentially stop working now, but she continues to work because she loves what she does.
What I love most about her: Denise is absolutely relatable. She likes to share about her life at home which she affectionately calls Summerhill Ranch, located in the Central Coast of California (although she’s in the process of moving).
She is very kind with her followers, whom she lovingly calls her peeps. A few years ago, when I wrote to her, she wrote back. And she didn’t just write back, she included stickers both on the envelope and inside the card. And I LOVE stickers!
But it wasn’t the stickers that took the cake, or that she took the time to write (although that in and of itself was beyond great). It was what she wrote on this card that was so meaningful.
When Denise has held her Soul Coaching Certification Training in her home, she has allowed the attendees to stay there. And Meadow has cooked for them! Can you imagine the type of experience and hospitality that both Denise and Meadow extend?! It has been my dream for a couple of years to attend because I know that it would literally be a life-changing experience.
Plus, Denise has said that many of her best friends are Soul Coaches that she certified and met through her program.
People say that you can tell a lot about a person based on how much you love animals…and Denise not only loves the conventional animals… hat anybody could have as pets such as cats and dogs, Denise also loves her chickens and her goats.
To say that Denise is a wonderful soul is an understatement. She comes from a Native American lineage of wisdom, and the best we can do, is learn from her and be uplifted by her cheery energy.
It’s a pleasure to have come across, Denise.
If you want your life to be touched by her, you can learn more about her by visiting and .
Cheryl Richardson****

Who she is: Cheryl Richardson is a Hay House author and coach with over twenty years of experience. You can listen to her on Hay House Radio show called Coach on Call.
What her best talent is: Undoubtedly, coaching is Cheryl’s best talent. She is the most resourceful, down-to-earth, relatable, loving and respectful coach I’ve ever met.
What I love most about her: What I love most about Cheryl is her resourcefulness.
What amazes me about her is that she is very practical and she is also very wise.
Whenever anyone calls her radio show to obtain her coaching insights, she delivers, and then some. She always has a website, a group, a book or a person to suggest to someone. It’s incredible! Either she has a super fantastic brain or she has a tool like Evernote or Google at her disposal.
Part of the reason why she is excellent and ready to share as many resources as she does, is because she believes that one of the most important things that people can have is clarity. Very often, people are stuck because they think they’re afraid of failure or of success and they think that they’re sabotaging themselves. Yet, Cheryl has worked with enough clients to know that most often, what people need is their next step. Meaning, people need to know what to do next. And as much as possible, Cheryl provides that next step to them.
This is especially helpful in a world where many people feel lonely and don’t always have the right people around them to ask for support.
The other reason that Cheryl is able to share resources as generously as she does, is that she is curious. So discovering new resources and sharing them is something that she’s naturally good at. But anybody can be good at finding treasures, they real question then becomes, are they stored in such a way where they can share them. Cheryl, is a pro at this.
One of the things that makes Cheryl super relatable is the fact that at some point, she has sacrificed her health and relationships due to work.
At one point in her life, she, too was just “going through the motions,” but the more she learned about “self-help” and experienced what it was like to work with a coach, the more interested she became in the practical information that she could learn and share.
What’s funny is that like many people nowadays, there was a time where she didn’t quite believe in the power of manifestation, but a little yellow post-it note changed this for her. She went from thinking that life was happening to her, to thinking that she had a say in her life and that her life was happening for her.
Speaking of manifestation, I love the story of how she met her husband, Michael… it is a prime example of how the Universe will provide for you once you get clarity by defining what it is that you really want, work on yourself and take action.
Cheryl provides excellent advice from a really down to earth and helpful perspective. She offers advice not from the mountaintop, but rather, from an “I-know-what-you’re-going-through” platform. She is really empathetic, and being empathic is hugely important for any human being, especially a coach.
Cheryl shares suggestions with her clients as she would share them with a dear friend.
What’s really admirable is that even though Cheryl is a rather private person, she shares many of her own stories and journeys in her books almost like if they were journals or conversations over a phone.
One of my favorite books from Cheryl is one that she wrote with Louise Hay called You Can Create An Exceptional Life. This book highlights the great relationship that both of these ladies have and the beautiful similarities that they have. One of them is the wisdom of knowing how to navigate life.
Like Denise, Cheryl has reached a point in her career that she has the ability to decide much of what she would like to do and not do during a day. This has given her the opportunity to establish a great balance between work and personal life.
Cheryl is truly admirable because she walks her talk. Better yet, she’s really humble and knows that she will also be working on herself until her last day. You can learn more about her by visiting .
Several years ago, I met her at one of her talks. What’s amazing is that it was her birthday that day. And what she doesn’t know is that it was a gift for those of us who were there that day that she shared part of her birthday with us. And for those people who have luxury to be coached by her, I’m sure that the gratitude they feel for being heard and being helped is also a gift.
Erin Cox*****

Who she is: Erin is a water resources science worker and engineer turned Hay House author.
Her story is super interesting and unique because she won a Hay House contract via a Hay House contest that Hay House Cruise participants could participate in. This allowed her to publish her book One Hot Momma: The Guide To Getting Your Mind and Body Back After Baby. (Don’t you just love how she didn’t give priority to the body instead of the mind? She knows her priorities and we should, too.)
As a result, she later became a speaker and a coach and her mission has been to help women lead joyful, balanced and healthy lives.
Erin’s mission is to nurture and support women so they can love and feel good about themselves, live their dream lives, and offer their best selves to their loved ones.
Erin has been a contributing author to the The Huffington Post.
Perhaps her most important role is being a mother. She is a mother of three children. She has two girls and one boy.
What her best talent is: Her best talent is seeing the goodness, strength, and courage in women, especially moms.
I’m sure that she’s able to do this for two reasons:
She has come into contact with lots of mothers as a result of several of her moves throughout life.
Furthermore, she is a good, strong and courageous woman herself. That’s why she can see it so easily in others.
What I love most about her: There are so many things to love Erin for, but some of them include:
- Being a fellow mom of little ones
- Being a modern entrepreneurial woman who values loving her children over loving her job
- Her down-to-earth conversational style
- Her vulnerability and openness about what she is facing
- Her positive expectations about the present and future
- Her ability to travel through life’s curve balls and come out stronger on the other side
- Her belief that women are hot not according to what they look like on the outside, but who you are on the inside.
- How she develops her spiritual life as a way of replenishing what she can give to her family and to the world.
- That she is a resilient woman
- That she follows her intuition
I once purchased a course from her called Success On Your Own Terms by Entheos where she interviewed various entrepreneurs, who were also moms (aka mompreneurs) and who were balancing having a business and being a mother.
This program was for me, life-changing. Not because I didn’t think that being a mom and having a business in a balanced way is possible because I always had (and it was something I really admired in other women). Rather, it was because Success On Your Own Terms allowed me to hear many women talk about the great satisfaction that obtaining success on your own terms brought them… and I got a special, honest and inspiring peek into their lives.
Coincidentally, One Hot Momma came out just a couple weeks after I gave birth.
Plus, during that time, there was a transition coming up shortly in my life. And you can bet your most treasured possession that I used what I learned in this seminar to take this path that I’m currently on and redefine what success means to me, and to make sure it’s on my terms. And you know something? I had ALWAYS wanted to do that.
Erin is beautiful inside and out. Some of her words of encouragement that have resonated with me the most and which I think all of us need to hear from time to time are:
“Know with confidence that you have an amazing gift to share with the world. Be quiet, and you’ll start hearing what it is if you’re unsure. Once you’ve set out in the direction of sharing that gift with full trust in divine timing, the world will feel generous, loving, and supportive.”
—Erin Cox, host of Success on Your Own Terms
You can work with her knowing that if you are someone who is practical, but is also open to learning new modalities such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique also known as tapping) and are okay with talking openly about your intuition, and most importantly, you’re ready to show up as fully you, that she can help. Through visualization, action and voicing what you want, you’ll find yourself living more and more like you’ve always dreamed.
You want to know what I love the very, very, very most about Erin? That ever since she began, her message has been very clear, be loving toward yourself, do things that fill your cup so that you can give your family your love from a whole-hearted place.
And even though she has talked about being a hot momma (and we now know that this phrase doesn’t have the conventional meaning)… and she’s talked about marriage partners and kids before, as much as we’d like to continue putting everybody else first, the fact is, we have to have love us in order to share have love to give. I think Erin’s message, now that she’s a single mom of three is stronger than ever. As women, we must cultivate our self-love because ultimately, it’s what’s going to be within is and reflect on us till our very last day.
Thinking that one day our children may be gone or our partner may be gone isn’t masochistic or gloomy. It’s empowering because it gives us the opportunity to start our self-love cultivation now, no matter how young or old we are. Being emotionally prepared to be alone is critical.
We need to come to terms with the fact that while those whom we love are a super-extremely-absolutely important part of us, you can be alone, regardless of whether you think you’re able to. You are much stronger than any loss you can experience as long as you have life itself… and a healthy dose of self-love to keep you wanting to move forward.
Erin is more of who she is now and shines brighter than ever before. I have a deep respect and admiration for who she is and what she’s been able to achieve so far. And I know that for her, this is only the beginning.
You can learn more about Erin by visiting .
What Can We Learn From These Three Ladies?
Every single one of you has challenges. I have challenges. And even the people who we think are the most perfect people on the planet have challenges. And as the popular phrase says, “When Life hands you lemons, make lemonade,” it’s important that we extract something from the challenges that we face.
Although I have believed and even repeated this popular saying in the past, I have a acquired a different mentality. And that is, that when life hand you lemons, don’t extract the obvious from the situation. Because in some situations… it’s not the obvious that comes out. (By squeezing a chocolate you don’t get chocolate syrup, you just get melted chocolate). Instead, when life hands you lemons extract wisdom. The elixir. That which is mystical, special, and even a blessing in this so-called problem.
When we lose something, regardless of what that loss is, it is creating an opening, a space, a vacuum for something meaningful, profound and important to enter our life. See it as a gain, instead of seeing it as a loss. -Haydee Montemayor
Usually, if not always, that “emptiness” teaches us a lesson of the importance of self-love. So make sure that when life hands you lemons, you take it as a sign to love and treasure your life even more. And if you can notice that there is someone near or far from you that needs a bit of your love because they too have had losses in their life… know that what you’re giving them is the stuff that changes the world, that makes it go round, and that makes this thing called Life ultimately worth it.
Now Let Me Turn It Over To You
- Did you know any of these ladies prior to reading the post?
- How have they influenced your life positively?
- Or if you’re barely getting to know them, what fascinates you about them?
I’d love to hear in the comments below. I’m sure they’d love to read them, too.
The Most Loving People Of Our Time Series
If you liked this post, please note that this is part of The Most Loving People Of Our Time series and that you can continue engaging with some awesome content these people are putting out into the world by visiting the posts below:
Who Are The Most Loving People Of Our Time?
The Most Loving People Of Our Time List Who Onced Lived Or Are Alive Now
The Magical Recipients of The Most Loving People Of Our Time Award #7-9
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