One of the prevalent themes in literature involves the protagonist overcoming obstacles. Chris P. Bacon: My Life So Far is a light and hopeful story based on a real-life pig that has hind legs that don’t work. Chris P. is adopted by his vetenarian, Len Lucero (one of the two authors of this story) who designs a contraption, with wheels, a base and straps so that Chris P. has an easier time moving around. As a result of Len setting up a Facebook page that chronicles Chris P.’s life, many people, including people who have unique physical abilities/challenges have been charmed or inspired by the pig.
This book is really short and is able to maintain the attention of little toddlers, in part because the story is told from Chris P.’s point of view. For older kids, this book might leave them wanting to read and know more. This can be a good thing, especially since there will be a sequel to this book relating Chris P.’s adventures. This book provides what the full title of the book states as “my life so far” and that is, a brief overview of what Chris P.’s life has been since Dr. Len took him in. It’s a cute book.
Personally, I wish there was more depth to this book or perhaps more literary elements that would make it memorable through the use of repetition, alliteration or assonance such as in the case of other books like Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Additionally, this book could be enhanced by giving Chris P. even more emotional depth so that we get a glimpse not only on his great life, but also his daily challenges. Since there is no conflict, drama, resolution or life-changing lessons to the story, this book can be compared to seeing a snapshot, instead of enjoying a video. Both can be good, but one is definitely more dynamic than the other, and as we all know, children like to engage with dynamic literature, events and people. My favorite Hay House childrens book that is savvy and purposeful enough for adults is Incredible You! 10 Ways to Let Your Greatness Shine Through by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I recommend that you take a look at Dr. Dyer’s book since the prose is great, the illustrations are lovely and the legacy/impact that the book can leave is profound. It’ll be interesting to see what the 2nd Chris P. Bacon book is like.
I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for review purposes.
Share Your Wisdom Tokens With Us
Have you read or heard about Chris P. Bacon? What do you like about Chris P. the pig or Chris P. Bacon the book? Have your children enjoyed learning about Chris P.?
No matter how well we think we prepare for childbirth, at the end of the day, it’s not what we plan for that bothers us, it’s what we don’t plan as clearly. This blog, is sort of a to-do list for ways grandmas can help put those last final touches of perfection on the delivery day. Pass it on to a soon-to be-grandma as is or tweak it to fit your needs.
Grandma To Do List & Explanation For Why This List is Essential
Yes, Grandma. We know you’re excited. And so is your daughter who just gave birth. You want to know what the biggest difference between you and her is?
She is using ALL of her energy in trying to keep her balance, composure and grace in this important time of her life. You, on the other hand, can just focus your energy on being happy.
Every birth your daughter gives is an adjustment phase for her that you should be considerate of. Sadly, things are more peachy for you than they are for her, at least for these few hours. Your daughter is probably too out of it, too tired, too focused on the baby or too considerate to tell you, but if she could ask you anything, this is probably what she would ask you for:
1. Mom, let me make the decision as to whether or not you’ll be in the delivery room and never resent me for it.
2. No matter who is anxiously waiting in the waiting room to know how the birth turned out, wait until the nurses call you to come in. Don’t peek in the door/curtain…EVER!
3. As absurd and obvious as it may sound, the first night after delivery, I need as much sleep as I can get. One hour or two isn’t enough because most likely, I haven’t been able to sleep as much or as comfortably as usual in the last few days, weeks or months. So once the baby is born, and as long as I have someone staying with me, leave as early as possible for me to try to get some sleep (especially if you know that I like to go to bed early). And if the baby is born at night or in the wee hours of the morning, rejoice for a little bit with us and leave as soon as possible.
3. The day after the baby is born, when you come to visit, don’t mention that you got more hours of sleep than I did, I’m jealous already.
4. The first day at the hospital, ask at what time the hospital serves me breakfast, lunch and dinner and plan to eat around that time so that I don’t feel guilty that I have food and you don’t.
5. When my food comes… the only thing that should be preventing me from eating should be the baby. And even then, help out with the baby as much as possible especially while I’m eating. How else am I supposed to recover and gain energy to be on standby for the baby 24/7?
6. Before assuming that my answer will be yes, ask me if I will want company at home the day that I bring my baby home.
7. Respect the fact that my husband, my baby and I want to bond as a family… and need time to get our footing away from family and incessant nurse and doctor interruptions at the hospital.
8. Thank you for everything and for respecting these requests, regardless of how you feel about them.
Share Your Wisdom Treasures With Us
So ladies (and gentlemen who support your ladies), have you had to make these types of requests to your mother (i.e. baby’s grandma) in order to enjoy your big day as much as possible?
What have you requested?
How did Grandma react?
Was setting these clear expectations worth it?
If you didn’t make these expectations, did you wish you had, or are you planning on doing so?
Times have changed. The village that used to raise children in multigeneration settings rarely applies nowadays due in part to the the greater emotional distancing between families, physical distancing and family member’s pure disposition to care for a baby (or lack thereof).
Deciding who to take care of your baby if and when you return to work after the maternity leave is over, is a difficult and extremely emotional decision. It is also an important decision because literally, the well-being of your baby will depend on the baby’s caregiver. Although I have my personal bias regarding whether or not grandma should take care of her grandchildren, I’ll limit myself to presenting you all the pros and cons that I could think of for each of the two options.
The Pros of Grandma Taking Care of Her Granchild
1. Baby will have grandma’s love and proximity
2. Baby’s parents will have grandma’s wisdom and childrearing expertise at their disposal (e.g. like having a perpetual doula)
3. Baby’s parents are more likely to have access to grandma not only while at work but for date nights as well
4. Parents can be at ease leaving their baby with someone so trusted and loved.
5. Parents can help grandma earn money. It can be more beneficial to pay grandma instead of paying for someone else for a care provider.
6. Grandma can be more accommodating as to where she’s willing to take care of the baby (either in your house or hers). And if you’re running late, she won’t charge you extra.
7. If you prefer that the baby is taken care of in your house, you would most likely feel more comfortable leaving grandma in your home instead of someone who you don’t know as well.
The Cons of Grandma Taking Care of Her Grandchild
1. Relying on a close third caretaker such as grandma can prevent baby’s parents from fully coming together as a couple and as a 3-person family unit.
2. Baby can get confused as to which discipline he or she should follow: grandma’s or parents, especially when all three people are present.
3. Baby’s parents can learn to depend on grandma for anything and everything.
4. Grandma is unable to enjoy her role as grandma because now, she is essentially being a parent all over again.
5. Grandma will most likely feel obliged to do more than just take care of the baby (i.e. house chores, errands, food preparation).
6. Parents can’t really learn to depend on themselves and one another if they know grandma is always there or a phone call away.
7. Even though grandmas have the best of intentions for taking care of children, children need more intellectual stimulation than some grandmas are able or willing to give
8. By staying at home and being cared for by grandma for several months or years, babies and toddlers often don’t get the opportunity to interact with other children as much.
It’s Your Turn to Share Your Wisdom Treasures
Knowing whom to leave your child with is a very important and your expertise will surely help people make up their mind on this dilemma that will impact a child’s life forever.
So what scenario do you think is best for everyone involved? For what reasons?
How did you decide on what to do? How did that work out?
Do you regret any of the caregiver choices that you’ve made? Why?
Please leave a comment below sharing your experience or expertise.
Stepping into any baby department or baby store will make it obvious to you that baby products, like any important purchase (and even more in this case, where your precious baby is involved), need to be researched.
Whether you’re expecting, or you know someone who is, below you will find 13 awesome must-have items for new moms that are proven to allow parents to have a much easier and much more pleasant time rearing your baby.
I’ve done the homework for you and have given you the indispensable products that my baby and I have used more than any other products in a way that has helped us do the daily mommy and baby tasks.
Of course, the most important ingredient in parenting is love.
These products, have allowed me to be a more loving mother, and I truly hope that they help you too.
I have provided links that you can use to purchase these products easily on Amazon, where you will soon prove for yourself (if you haven’t already), that you can usually find the best prices (most of the time).
If you will be breastfeeding, regardless of the number of months that you’re planning on doing so (which I highly recommend that it’s for as many months/years as possible, for the benefit of your baby), I believe that it is a super wise investment to buy an electric double pump.
As a second choice, and especially if you want to have some mobility that doesn’t require being tethered to a wall electric socket, I recommend the Medela Freestyle Breast Pump. You can walk all over the house and do what you need to do while pumping milk.
No matter which of the mentioned pumps you use (or even if you go with your own preferred brand or a manual pump), when you’re a mom, you’ll definitely want to be an “octopus” and have as many hands as possible.
Two just isn’t enough. Right moms?
Therefore, it’s wise to have the ability to be hands-free to tend to your baby, yourself and the million things you need to do (or think you do).
And it’s so soft, that it’s the closest thing you’ll have to a spa in many days…weeks, months, and most likely, years.
It’s super soft, so it won’t affect your sore breasts those first few days. It may seem like a lot of money to spend on a bra, but trust me (and the many moms who have reviewed it), every penny is worth it.
I loved this bra soooo much that I wanted to have two, but in all honesty, one of these bras is good enough.
And when you wash it with baby-scent detergent, ahh, heaven!!
The Boppy has become a VERY important part of my breastfeeding success and it has allowed me to have quality bonding time with the baby.
Breastfeeding, as you know requires a lot time, energy and commitment.
Aside from my commitment to breastfeed, I literally owe my breastfeeding success to the Boppy. Yes, it’s that important!! Especially when you’re breastfeeding for what seems 24/7 or 22/7 (like in my case) and you’re sleepy, tired, and don’t want to worry too much that your arms won’t be able to withstand the weight of your baby while he/she breastfeeds.
Of course, you always need to be careful while holding the baby, but the Boppy helps so much that it almost becomes a part of you. An extension of your body.
Many of your family members that see the Boppy on your baby registry will probably not know the HUGE value of this item no matter how many baby showers you have (I had 4…I know, I’m soooo lucky!).
My friends and family didn’t recognize its value. So I had to purchase the Boppy and the Boppy Travel Pillow myself. I wanted to get the sophisticated Boppy, with luxe designs and fabrics, but I had to be budget-conscious.
However, the Boppy Bared Naked Pillow was great enough, especially due to the water-proof liner.
Now listen up. What I have to say is important. If I was limited to buying only ONE baby product, hands-down, it would be the Boppy.
I even recommend the Boppy if you won’t be breastfeeding since it positions the baby at the perfect height for you two to bond and for him/her to feed.
My experience has been that babies LOVE to be on the Boppy and it’s comfortable for tummy time also (meaning, when you’re kids are learning how to crawl).
The Boppy is a fabulous product!
My only additional recommendation: even if you’re taking a lot of items to the hospital when you’re baby is about to be born… please remember to take the Boppy to the hospital or birthing center and start breastfeeding as successfully, cozily and comfortably as possible.
No pillow, no matter how fancy, well tucked, soft or firm it is, is better than the Boppy.
There have been many studies that indicate that “wearing” a baby is highly beneficial for the emotional development of a baby given that it provides a great opportunity for bonding.
The Baby K’tan Baby Carrier is easy to put on and easy to take off carrier and it has been a savior.
Its structure provides a cozy place for the baby. After the womb, the Baby K’tan is the preferred place to be for many babies.
You can use the Baby K’tan at home and easily tuck it into your purse and readily have it on hand when you are out and about with your baby.
This carrier will accommodate your baby no matter if they’re a preemie or a small baby until they’re in preschool or weigh 35 lbs.
And you know what? Your and your husband will look good wearing it! (Just stick to a neutral color).
I believe in breastfeeding in public as long as you are not flashing anyone. 😉
What I love about this scarf, aside from the fact that it’s super portable and that it gives you 360 degrees of coverage when you’re breastfeeding in public, is that you can use it as an infinity scarf.
Needless to say, the designs are fresh and hip and don’t scream “look at me, I’m breastfeeding!” which is always nice because you can feed your baby and feel the least subconscious that breasteeding can allow.
Nobody will see your stomach, nor your back, nor any other body part that you prefer to keep private.
I didn’t think about buying a nail clipper for my baby until my baby was born and I saw the thin, jagged and super-sharp nails that my baby had.
When I started to research baby nail clippers I read “horror” stories about how parents unwillingly clipped the baby’s fingers while clipping his/her nails. They even offered techniques for how they stopped the bleeding.
I don’t know about you, but that made me queasy then and it makes me queasy now just thinking about it.
I couldn’t imagine hurting my baby while clipping nails and trying to stop bleeding.
The possibility of that scenario was too much for me to take.
In a nutshell, they have kept my baby’s bottom dryer, comfier and more rash-free that I could ever imagine.
Plus, they’ve been eco-friendly and pocketbook friendly.
Feel free to try various cloth diapers to see which you and your baby like best, but I have a strong suspicion that the FuzziBunz will win out.
You need 6 to start out, but you’ll be washing daily. A dozen FuzziBunz is “okay,” but ideally, you need 18 FuzziBunz or more to feel more at ease as as though you can have a life away from the laundry machine ;).
There are few times in life when you encounter a truly versatile and incredibly useful product.
The benefits of coconut oil are seriously too many to mention in this article, but the reason it has made the list is because coconut oil has helped maintain my baby’s bottom diaper rash free.
Coconut oil is useful for a baby’s dry and delicate skin and lips.
Additionally, as you are getting used to breastfeeding, coconut oil is good for sore breasts and you don’t have to worry about the baby eating coconut oil as he/she breastfeeds because it’s safe for them to ingest.
As a matter of fact, one of the reasons why coconut oil is so beneficial is precisely because it is the food item that most closely resembles breast milk. Go figure, right?
Plus, some Sleepsacks even have Velcro to hold your baby’s arms close to his/her body so he/she doesn’t wave his/her arms and startled himself/herself awake at night (trust me, you don’t want anything to disturb the baby while he/she is sleeping, especially on those days when either you or the baby aren’t getting much sleep).
Many babies nowadays can unravel themselves from a swaddle with a blanket (mine did this all throughout the day), but they can’t unravel themselves from a HALO SleepSack.
This translates into the baby feeling more protected and for everybody to be in a little bit more peaceful state of mind. This is pure heaven. 😉
And when you are sleep deprived, exhausted or trying to tackle your mile-long to do list with little success, organizational tools that work are quite handy.
You know the drill, you get many outfits at your baby showers, you get hand-me downs, have saved hand me downs from prior children or find baby clothing on sale.
You want to savor your baby wearing all the cute baby outfits that you’ve envisioned him/her wearing, but if you aren’t organized, you will most likely find an outfit, some shoes, some jackets, or some pjs that your baby no longer fits and hardly ever wore.
It is a truly bittersweet moment because you can’t help but feel that the item went to waste, but you’re thankful that your baby is growing.
In order to prevent that guilt from happening (over and over again), this Delta 48 Piece Nursery Storage Set allows you to have at least 30 items hung, with 12 dividers to separate them by size, type, color or any other label that you want to include.
It comes with a 6-shelf hanging organizer, 3 small bins, 3 large bins and is a good value.
The only downside? I wish it came with more than 30 velvet hangers, because they’re perfect.
The upside? You can choose what color you want your set to be.
Did you know that there are children under 2 years old that have already had thousands of dollars worth of dental procedures?
Due to poor dental care! Poor babies!
Due to the sugar in both breast milk and formula and the high acidity levels in some of the food that we eat, as soon as your baby’s teeth start growing you must start cleaning them and later brushing them with a small amount of non-flouride toothpaste.
One excellent resource to clean your baby’s teeth are Spiffies Tooth Wipes, created by a pediatrician to reduce the incidence of baby cavities. These pre-moistened baby wipes contain xylothol.
The best thing for your baby?
They don’t mind them at all, and as a matter of fact, they like the taste of these!
Start introducing good dental hygiene to your children early.
That will better guarantee that they preserve their beautiful smile for years to come.
The curved and soft design will make your baby feel as though he/she is being held. It’s like a baby hammock with structure and a seat-belt, so you’ll feel that your baby is safe here.
This is a fabulous alternative to a flat bassinet.
Your Turn To Share Your Favorite Items
Now that you’ve experienced my essentials:
Do you feel that I left any items out?
What have your favorite baby items been that you would highly recommend to moms, grandmas and family members expecting to welcome a little one in their lives this year?
Please leave a comment below.
And, if you could be so kind, share this list with the caregivers of beautiful babies that are on their way.
Aside from love, attention and care, let’s give them a warm welcome by having these tools that will make their first days/years on the planet pleasant ones.
You may feel stuck because you have been focused on what you’re lacking, but when you play on the game board, you focus on your gifts and how to unleash their beauty and power.
He believes that we’re never stuck and that we’re actually always on one of the 9 squares in this game called life. I received the book Play Your Bigger Game: 9 Minutes to Learn, a Lifetime to Live free from Hay House for review purposes. I had eyed this book several months ago and I was really looking forward to reading it. While the premise of the book is good to at least console you a bit and make you aware that you’re never as lost, stuck or alone in life as you think you are, I recognize that this book has some areas for improvement.
The author Rick Tamlyn, who co-created this game with Laura Whitworth, states that:
The Bigger Game offers a philosophy and methodology for finding and releasing the full expression of your purpose and talents so that all of your years may be golden-and fun, too.
So this philosophy isn’t necessarily embraced by everybody, but it is a solid philosophy nevertheless. For many, it’s a relief to know that the term ” ‘Bigger’ [in the title] refers not to the size of the game but to the impact it has on you and your personal world around you…You will feel more capable and more resilient, because playing your bigger game ignites your creativity and excites your mind.”
What Does the Bigger Game Consist Of?
The 9 squares (which are presented until a quarter of the way into the book, a little too far into the book if you ask me) are:
comfort zones (which aren’t positive or negative in this context, it just means that you’re comfortable where you are),
hunger (when you desire something more. It can take three forms, either we don’t want something, we want more of something or we sense that something is missing),
compelling purpose (you’re looking for or have found a driving purpose) “Your compelling purpose is something so powerful that once you identify it, you can’t not do it, any more than a great singer can quiet her voice or a great writer can lock his stories inside. This irrepressible desire or force within comes from a place of deep knowing. It’s very much a part of who you are or, perhaps more likely, who you want to become… Your hunger pushes you. Your compelling purpose pulls you.”
Your compelling purpose evolves as you grow. It is comprised of these audiences:
Yourself when you’re young
Others when you’re moving from childhood into adolescence
The Field when you’re older (it stands for the world around you)
Once you find your compelling purpose, “There’s no other option but to do what would normally be extraordinary, but now is required.”
assess (this is where you want to double check how you are doing, where you are and where you need to go)
bold action (this is where you make the leap to make it happen).
gulp (you feel both excitement and fear at this stage. You’re nervous, but ready for action),
sustainability (a checkpoint where you identify what you need to do to sustain yourself and have a lasting impact)
allies (“this is where you stand when you’re recruiting, building, and nurturing the support network for you and your bigger game.”)
investment (you’re considering the time, money, effort, plan and process you’ll need “to create, run, and sustain your bigger game.”)
The Pros about the Book and the Game:
I like the premise– we’re always playing in this game called life and are on one of the 9 tic-tac-toe-like squares. Note that it’s interesting author chose “squares” not “boxes” because boxes feels confined and constricted
Identifying where we are on this 3 x 3 matrix can provide some clarity as to where we’re going in life, since it serves as a GPS location
It is possible that we are on multiple squares at the same time
It’s a game that never ends. While that can seem daunting, in a way it’s inspiring, because your potential to inspire and continue attempting to make your life, the life of those around you, and the lives of people around the world better, never ends either.
You have no opponent or competition (other than yourself and your limiting beliefs)
You “never have to stop playing your own version.” This is awesome because you can start feeling comfortable that you playing your own game, for a greater good is good enough. I love that! What’s inspiring to know is that:
Your unique bigger game lies at the intersection of what your heart desires and what the world needs.”
“All that’s required to begin play[ing] is an earnest desire to have a more meaningful and successful life and conscious awareness of where you are right now, where you want to be, and where you need to go to get there.”
It’s exciting since, “you must decide to set something in motion even without knowing what it is. It’s like stepping into a mystery… It’s like starting a pregnancy: you know something is coming that will change your life; you just don’t know exactly what form it will take.” Not knowing everything will allow you to be in the “now” and to give yourself permission to be creative as you go.
I love how the author took the advice of what to do with his life, which was “Rick, your job is to breathe life into people and their plans” especially since Rick Tamlyn’s father got to the end of his life without feeling a great sense of satisfaction on how he had spent his time on Earth. This has gained more momentum after the events that have happened since 2001 and has inspired Mr. Tamlyn to help more and more people.
Mr. Tamlyn has great advice jewels embedded throughout the book, one of them being:
Keep in mind that goals are overrated. It’s fine to have them. I recommend them. But we have become so goal oriented in our work and personal lives that we aren’t open to the magic and spontaneous opportunities that pop up. Go with your goals- love them and embrace them- but put more focus on the game you are playing, and watch yourself reach your goals magically.”
When it comes to engaging in the game, a positive result is that we think and develop as leaders.
Better yet, when we are playing our bigger game we’ll find that our focus “grows wider, encompassing not just yourself and others, but a much bigger, longer, and wider picture.” “Bigger Games often serve a greater good, because the player experiences an expansion of perspective and a compelling desire to have a lasting impact.” If we all were playing a bigger game, we could literally change the dynamics of the world and the legacy of generations to come.
Aside from our cause growing bigger, we grow bigger given that an “important feature of your bigger games is that they require you to grow. In fact, if you already know how to do it, it’s not a Bigger Game.” And the best part is that that author says that, “You’ll be so compelled that you will find a way- and amazingly, you’ll have no sense of struggling or frustration, only that liberating feeling that comes with expressing the full power of all of your gifts.” Even if we do experience struggles and frustrations, the beauty of it will be that they’ll be OUR struggles that we chose to take on and not struggles that were imposed by someone else looking out for their own benefit or their own bigger game.
And as Bigger Gamers, we don’t have to play and reach our desires alone, since “In that state of being [mentioned above], you’ll experience another phenomenon. You’ll attract allies and supporters into your life like never before. Their complementary skills, talents and knowledge will meld with yours. A team will form, sometimes without conscious effort, and you’ll accomplish more than you ever could have done alone. “
The Cons About the Book and the Game:
Perhaps it’s the portion of the title, “9 Minutes to Learn, a Lifetime to Live” that affects me, but I think that the book could be much shorter than it is, if it really does only take 9 minutes to learn. Of course, using examples typically makes making a point clearer, but in the case of this book, some examples go on and on for several pages and are not powerful (others really are inspiring). What’s worse, is that many of these examples are repeated in different chapters. And as you know it’s not pleasant to hear something that you really don’t find interesting numerous times.
I always like to highlight the books that I read, but I found that I didn’t highlight anything in this book for at least the first 10th of the book, and what I was highlighting was just an interesting fact about an example-nothing life changing for me. This was a red flag. In my opinion, the author should captivate the audience right away. It was a good thing that I was interested in reading the book and finding what exactly this 3 x 3 game matrix looked like, otherwise, I would have put it down way at the beginning.
I think that this book needs additional editing given that there are facts and examples that are repeated in various chapters and instead of making the point at hand clearer, it just makes the content drag a bit.
Personally, I wish that the order in which the squares were presented and the order where they fall on the game board was the same. The fact that the order of the squares is random and the order in which the squares are presented is random, makes it seem like the order of what is one each square was an after-thought. And if that’s not the case, and the author just prefers to present the squares in a specific order because they make more sense to him, it would be ideal if the squares were changed to the order/location in which he presents him so that everybody can instantaneously gain as much sense as he does.
The game would be more useful if there was actually some hint, no matter how small, regarding where to move forward to if you were standing in a specific square already embedded in the game. This would serve as a layout, for people who felt very very stuck. Something like when you’re ___ and ____ is happening do this. Of course, there would be many possible outcomes, but at least people could start turning their wheels better.
Although the definitions of the Bigger Game are good, I wish there weren’t as many definitions.
These are some of the definitions:
“The Bigger Game sets you free to live in state of full engagement and creative play.”
“Your bigger game can spring from anything you are involved in, whether it’s working on a college degree, building a corporate career, starting a business, nurturing a family, or fighting for a cause. Some bigger games you may choose; some may choose you.”
“Our bigger games arise from who we are, and they determine who we become and what legacy we will leave. We create your bigger game by investing in it with the full force of who we are. In the process, we become thoroughly engaged and driven, not by goals or expectations but by our own compelling purpose.”
and there are dozens more… which makes me wonder, what is THE definition of the Bigger Game… because over-explaining what the game is, dilutes its impact, in my opinion.
While it’s great that this book has helped thousands of people, with today’s desire for crisper, more actionable advice, it would have helped a great deal if the author focused on the actual content of the game, instead of the many repeated examples, given that I feel that people who choose to read and are drawn to this book don’t need that much convincing. They’re typically the people who would say, “GAME ON!”
The experience that this book reminds me of is being on the verge of playing a real board game with family. You want to enjoy yourself in the little time that you have. And yes, you want to learn what the game is about, but you want to learn how to play as quickly as possible so that you can get onto the business of actually playing it. Feeling this way comes from a place of being excited. However, if you focus on the extraneous information too much, getting through this book can feel more of a chore than a joy…. and that’s a shame because we should feel “pumped up’ to live a meaningful life for the benefit of helping others, and I found having to pump myself up several times to at least be as excited as I was before starting this book. After a while… with so many examples, it starts to feel more of a maze than a matrix. Thankfully, there were many powerful quotations in the book that kept me going.
In Sum, Do You Need this Book to Play a Bigger Game?
In sum, “the Bigger Game is simply a tool for tapping into your inherent abilities by opening your eyes, focusing your mind, and unleashing your talents- and the board is where you go to free yourself from whatever limitations may have been imposed on you, either by yourself or by others.”
So playing it is really up to you. If you need to let go of limitations, if you need reassurance that you’re not stuck, if you need inspiration for how playing it can be have an impact on the causes that you care about then by all means: Play it. My only advice, leave the content that doesn’t benefit you on the table and grab and make a difference with what does.
One of the beautiful dangers of playing this game is that “There’s one thing you can be sure of when you allow yourself to turn up the hunger dial: the status quo will no longer work for you.” And that is good, because as we know the status quo is often not good enough.
One of the best quotation that makes playing this game and reading this book worth it in and of itself, is
“If you settle into a life or career without weighing the benefits and the detriments, then you run the risk of going on cruise control- or out of control altogether.”
So just the potential to stop and check your GPS location to identify a really valuable destination makes this book worth it.
The ultimate beauty is that there is no score to keep when playing this game, and by playing a bigger game one can acquire greater purpose for fully living life engaged.
What Bigger Game Do You Want to Play?
What Bigger Game do you have in mind?
How do you want to help others and the world?
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We’ve all heard it before, and deep down we agree:
If only we knew WHAT we really, really wanted, we would go after it.
Yes, in fact we DO need to be clear on what our wishes are, not only at the beginning of each year, but all throughout the year so that we remain committed to our wishes.
How Can You Stay Committed to Your Wishes?
One way that I’ve been able to achieve many of my wishes and get excitedly close to achieving several others is by creating this wish box that was introduced to me by Hay House author Denise Linn.
On New Year’s, she and her daughter Meadow Linn, who is also an author and who co-wrote The Mystic Cookbook along with Denise, a blogger, a wonderful cook and a lovely person overall, get together to set their intentions for the new year by making several projects. One of these projects entails creating this wish box, which they refer to as a magic box.
My Experience With a Wish Box and How it Can Benefit You
I first created this wish box a couple of years ago. Thankfully, some of the BEST and most important wishes that one can dream of in a lifetime have come true and are coming true for me. I realize that this is in part a combination of various factors, being clear on what i want, working toward my goals, believing in my goals and believing in myself and simply right timing.
Making a wish box is a great family tradition, a family craft activity and a wishing session all in one that I highly recommend. But there is absolutely no shame in doing this box alone. As a matter of fact, don’t beg anyone to do one with you… they’ll most likely ruin the mood. Let me show you how to have fun making one.
How to Make Your Very Own Wish Box
1. Buy a craft boxOR better yet, find a pretty box that you already own that you can use exclusively for this purpose.
2. Find things that you would like to decorate your box with such as stickers, cardstock, photos, magazine clippings, Google printouts, foam shapes, felt shapes, ribbon, glitter or whatever else you want to use.
3. Grab some tape and glue that is capable of pinning down your chosen decorations to the box.
4. Grab pencils, markers, colored pencils and pens
This is mine.
5. Before you start deciding on what decoration goes where, keep in mind that you will need to write “thank you” on all four sides of the box. You can use stickers that say “thank you” or you can print out this phrase with your printer. The idea behind writing “thank you” is that you should already be grateful for the fulfillment of your wishes. You have to have that level of faith.
Like this. 🙂
And Like this… on all sides. 🙂
6. On the inside of the box, incorporate the phrase, “Everything in this box is so” to further promote the faith and confidence that you have that these wishes will be fulfilled.
Anywhere inside the box works.
7. Have FUN decorating the box! Knock yourself out!
Have a good time doing this box.
8. Once you’re happy with how your box looks, because as you know, feelings do matter, decide on which prices of paper you will write your wishes. They can be in any shape. Just consider if you write small, big, short phrases or long phrases to determine the size of your papers. Cut the papers where you’ll write your wishes by hand, by craft punches if you have any, or by electronic cutting machines. You can even use squiggly scissors to be more whimsical, if you like.
Have fun with the papers where you write your wishes on.
9. Now it’s time to really tune within yourself and think about what you really, REALLY wish for. It can be that you desire things for yourself, for your family, for your friends, for your community or for the world. As you write each wish down, write it as though you already have what you’re wishing for.
For example, if you wish for a Twix chocolate bar, say, “I am very happy that I am enjoying this Twix bar as a snack in the park after my workout.” In other words, use words of gratitude or of deep feeling.
Another example would be, “I am so excited that today I am going to my favorite singer, ______ ‘s concert (write the name of the singer).”
Or, “I am so happy to see my best friend’s renewed sense of living now that her illness is gone.”
10. Write each wish in a single piece of paper and put it in the box.
11. Write as many wishes as you like. Dream BIG! Most importantly, B-E-L-I-E-V-E in your heart that what you wish for can come true.
12. It is best to make yourself as comfortable as possible. You can play some comfortable music and make a determination to keep distractions to a minimum. A good resource for relaxing music that allows you to focus is
12. Once you are done, place this box either in a visible special place or tuck it away somewhere. Decide whether you will revisit the box in 6 months or a year. Write that date on your calendar to remind yourself or set a special day each year to revisit this activity…. like New Years day or your birthday. Most importantly, commit to not opening the box between now and then.
13. When the day to revisit the box arrives, take the box out of where you stored it.
14. Play some nice music in a comfortable setting.
15. Read through your wishes.
16. Divide them in four stacks:
the wishes that didn’t come true yet
the wishes that did come true
the wishes that partially came true
the wishes that came true but that are ongoing.
17. The wishes that haven’t come true yet go directly back into the box with the hope that in 6 months to a year, those wishes will come true. And if they don’t, perhaps it us because more time us needed… so don’t despair.
18. You can share the wishes that came true with whomever you’re doing this activity with… Or if you’re doing it alone, you can journal about which wishes came true. I don’t need to tell you, but be thankful for the wishes that came true. It’s up to you if you want to share the wishes that partially came true or are ongoing.
19. Place the wishes that are ongoing and partially came true back in the box.
20. Have another envelope or ziplock bag where you place the wishes that came true. It’s fun collecting them. Or if you’re a minimalist, and you must, it doesn’t hurt to throw them away.
21. You want to know what the best thing about having a wish box is? That you get to add more wishes on your established date! You get to dream big all over again! 🙂 You get to tap into what you desire. Isn’t this the beauty of life? To grow and to evolve? Yes, there will always be something else to pursue… but it’s the pursuit of that which we think will bring us happiness that will make us the happiest.
It’s Your Turn to Share Your Wisdom Treasures With Us
Try this magic box. Dream. Create, work toward your dreams and release… And in 6-8 months come back and share what your experience was (Include that in your calendar). Better yet, tell me if you liked the experience of at least creating a box.
Do you create wish boxes previously? What has your experience been? Do you have any recommendations that you’d like to give those who are new to wish boxes?
How To Create Your Own Mild and Inexpensive Facial Exfoliator
For some strange reason that I’m not sure of, many of us purchase face creams and for some reason or another don’t use them as often as we should or as often as we like. Our excuse? We’re so busy trying to be everyone to everybody else that a little facial pampering is often times the last thing on our mind. What does this neglect result in? We literally have to face not feeling as up to par as we would like. In that case, we have two choices. One that has cost us quite a bit of money or one that can cost us pennies. In other words, you can either use the creams that we spent your precious money on (and if you’re blessed enough to have these creams and facial potions and lotions, why wouldn’t you use them? Unless they’re expired of course, but that’s a topic for another day) OR, you can create one unique, inexpensive facial exfoliator. What does this effective blend contain, you might ask? It has two simple, accessible and inexpensive ingredients: baking soda and water. By the way, speaking from experience, please make sure that you grab the baking soda out of your pantry and not the baking powder…. similar name… TOTALLY different results. 😉 If your’e a baker, you know EXACTLY what I mean. 🙂
How to Create Baking Soda Gentle Facial Exfoliator
This is what you’ll need to make this treatment.
1. Take out a set of measuring spoons and a small bowl
2. Measure 3 teaspoon baking soda and put it in the small bowl
3. Measure 1 teaspoon water (you can make more or less of this amount simply by remembering that there is a 3:1 baking soda to water ratio) and add it to the bowl with the baking soda
4. Mix the baking soda and the water
5. Go to the bathroom where you have a mirror and a sink available
6. Once the mixture is combined, apply a thin layer of exfoliant all over your face (except the eye area, of course) in gentle circular motion
6. Lightly rub those areas of your face that you know may get dryer than usual, like your forehead, your nose bridge and your nose, in circular motion
7. Rinse the mixture off your face with warm water or a wet facecloth
8. Pat your face dry with a dry facecloth
Touch your face. Your face should feel smoother, given that it just got a gentle exfoliation. You will most likely feel the good effects of this exfoliation for several days. When you feel that your face is rough or dry, you can repeat this simple process. This beauty treatment is especially good for winter months given that the skin gets drier than usual during that time.
This Facial Exfoliant Travels Well and Can Even Meet You at Your Travel Destination
In the event that you’re ever on vacation and you forget your exfoliator or your face cream, this technique can improve the texture of your skin in a pinch. All you have to do is buy or ask for some baking soda at a pastry shop or at a restaurant. And voila! Your texture will at least feel better. Please know that this exfoliant is not the best, most luxurious skin treatment out there, but, it can assist you in your skin care for only pennies.
It’s Your Turn To Share Your Golden Wisdom Tokens
Try this facial exfoliator. Let me know what you think. Do you have any inexpensive beauty tips? If so, please share below.
“You need to have the belief that your creativity is inextricable with being prosperous-like you make art, you deserve to be prosperous from putting that art into the world. You deserve it. Let me say this again, you deserve it. That’s just gotta be basic for you. You have to wash out any ideologies that you’re not worth it – that your art isn’t worth it, somebody wants your art. And you gotta be focused. You gotta be ruthlessly and intensely focused on having your definition of it all, which is creative self-expression and prosperity.” -Danielle LaPorte
How to Make Your Own Super-mom Customizable Pudding- Pudding Recipe Included
Who would have thought that bottled water would ever be so lucrative that now we can’t imagine living in a world without it. Although I prefer my own stainless steel bottles and my water filter, it’s still understandable that for many, water bottles is convenient.
Ironically, in a packaged-product world, we sometimes don’t realize that with a bit of effort, you can whip up a snack which has fewer preservatives than the packaged kind.
Below is a pudding recipe that you can use as a base and you can modify it as you need.
1. In a saucepan over medium heat, whisk together sugar, cornstarch, and salt. Gradually whisk in the milk. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until thickened and bubbly. (Make sure that the mixture has thickened on the stove. If it hasn’t, turn up the stove heat a little, and whisk for a couple of more minutes).
2. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla extract
3. Pour into 4 individual serving bowls or cups; cover surface of pudding with plastic wrap. Chill for 30 minutes or until set. Sprinkle nutmeg.
Now that you have the pudding recipe and whipped up a batch of pudding, let me know how much your kids, you and your hubby liked it. What ingredients did you incorporate or toppings did you add to make this pudding recipe your own?
There is a lot of hoopla around New Years Day. For some, this holiday, is the best holiday of the year. For me, it’s my least favorite. I don’t mean to step on anybody’s toes, but in my opinion, many of the best celebrations happen on any given day… on a day that is personally meaningful to you and your loved ones…. not on a day when you’re supposed to feel sad, joyous or excited that we’re moving from one day to the next. The best celebrations are usually not forced.
Regardless of the fact that my family and I don’t usually participate in the traditional New Year traditions, I want to share what I did this morning:
1. I picked up my baby from the crib and said “I love you” with hugs, kisses and all
2. I changed the baby’s diaper
3. We read a book together… one that we both enjoyed. I couldn’t think of any better way to start the year than by cuddling with my baby and reading a book.
It’s a cute pop-up book that teaches the alphabet.
Alpha Bugs is incredibly creative, let me prove it to you:
It is a 3-D versatile pop-up book.Can you believe it? That is really a powder puff!!!
4. We had zucchini bread, baby cereal and cereal for breakfast. If you haven’t tried zucchini bread, you’re missing out.
5. I heard my baby render the baby version of a “woof woof” that sounded more like a huff and a puff than anything but which was precious and priceless.
6. We spent time together.
7. I breast-fed my baby.
8. My baby took a nap, and I’m writing this as my baby naps.
And so our day as a family will continue…with me trying to treasure the little things. I’ll sign off to be able to spend more quality time with them.