Category: Love and Treasure Your Life

3 Ways To Grieve Your Ex-Friend That You Lost During The Pandemic

There are many things that the pandemic opened our eyes to such as:

  • Who has empathy and who doesn’t
  • Who is willing to sacrifice to protect their kids from the virus and who isn’t
  • How much we care about the people who are immunocompromised
  • How much we care about ourselves and are willing to protect ourselves from the pandemic
  • How fast we can learn lessons about life, loss, selfishness and genuine care for others and science 
  • Who the people around us really are
  • And the list could go on and on and on

Buuuuut there is ONE thing that (other than the loss of life of our loved ones from this pandemic) hurts THE MOST and that is realizing how insignificant we are to people who we thought for months, years and decades that were our friends.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a couple of people who communicated with me in 2019 but haven’t written or called me in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

And having talked to other people who also experienced this phenomenon, I know I’m not the only one. And chances are high that you’ve experienced this, too.

So today I want to share with you 3 ways to grieve a wonderful friendship that was and no longer is and reduce the hurt you feel every time you think about those ex-friends who don’t remember that you even exist anymore.

I know what you’re thinking “I could have died during the pandemic and they wouldn’t know.” 


That’s my point!

That’s something I’ve also thought and it hurts like hell.

And I know how ironic it is that some of those people would be people whom we have wished were at our funeral when we die (before any of us ever experienced a global pandemic).

And the fact that they are so uninterested in whether you’re even alive or not is a little bit humorous but painful.


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5 Reasons You Need A Raven Scanner Especially If You Have Children But Even If You Don't by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure blog

5 Reasons You Need A Raven Scanner Especially If You Have Children But Even If You Don’t

Are you someone who had a paper clutter issue before you had kids but whose paper clutter problems became worse after you had kids?

You’re not alone.

It’s almost natural that this has happened to you because even if you have your files in filing cabinets with your Freedom Filer method, your tax documents organized in boxes and your frequently accessed files in binders with sheet protectors, from the time kids get a hold of their first crayons or first pencil until they leave the nest, there will be a cascade of paperwork that they create at home and at school.

And a lot of their stuff is precious, it really is, but keeping EVERYTHING they create in paper format is impossible, unrealistic and inconvenient.

Therefore, today I want to share with you 5 reasons why the Raven Pro Document Scanner is the best scanner for your household to process your children’s paperwork and yours.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but if you use my links, this blog will benefit monetarily. Read More

The Irony About Self-Confidence Blog Post Title Graphic for Love and Treasure by Haydee Montemayor -

The Irony About Self-Confidence

Usually scrolling through social media can be a waste of time.

However, this morning I heard something on social media that made me say! Yes!!! Finally, someone gets it!

And that someone is Simon Sinek…. who happens to have given the 3rd most-watched Ted-Talk Ever.

He externalized what I’ve been thinking all along, but I have felt unsafe to say out loud.

Essentially, he said that self-confidence is not what people think it is.

When you tell someone to improve upon their self-confidence, everybody thinks that you’re essentially asking them to go within and work on something inside themselves so that they’re more confident.

Yet, asking them to go within… is asking them to go in the wrong direction. Because the irony about self-confidence is that in order to increase it… the more natural place to look is OUTSIDE ourselves and to the people who are part of our life.

Simon Sinek says that self-confidence is not a battery that you by yourself can charge and all of a sudden be self-confident.

He is basically saying that self-confidence is like a battery that is charged… but it’s by OTHER people.

The example he gave is that when you are a kid, your self-confidence doesn’t go from 0 to something. It is merely a reflection of the approval that other adults and people in your life give you.

If you have parents who praise you, support and love you as unconditionally as possible… then your self-confidence will blossom. Knowing that other people are happy with what you’re doing makes you want to continue doing that thing.

Throughout his work, Simon Sinek emphasizes the importance of community… and this novel concept of seeing self-confidence this way makes SO much sense.

But in order to have more self-confidence, one can argue that the world needs to be better educated about what self-confidence is, especially men.


My Own Struggle With Self-Confidence

Throughout my life, I have struggled with self-confidence. Both with the word and with actually having it.

The people around me and even the experts would emphasize the importance of being able to just go from lacking it to having it… but it’s not something that I could create at will… 99.9% of the time.

But I know what self-confidence is. I’ve felt it.

From birth up to age five, I was beaming with self-confidence because I was surrounded by parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and even my parents’ friends who couldn’t get over the cute things I would say and do. I had what people would call charisma.

But then… after a couple of shifts in my life… I started losing my self-confidence from that point until after I graduated from college.

Before listening to Simon Sinek… I would have continued to think what I’ve thought for all these years and that is:

“What is WRONG with me?! Why can’t I get this self-confidence thing down?”

Now it gives me a bit of relief to know that it isn’t 100% my fault that my self-confidence reservoir is as empty as it is.

Simon Sinek’s words aren’t an excuse for me to throw my hands up in the air and just blame other people.

But at least it’s comforting to know that I do have more of an uphill battle than other people do when it comes to self-confidence.


Do Not Mix Up Resilience With Self-Confidence

It’s important NOT to assume that just because I didn’t have any self-confidence from age five until age 23 that I didn’t accomplish great things.

I did.

And I’m a hard worker, a workaholic, really. A dreamer and an achiever.

I may not get everything in life that I want to get but at the very least, I WILL die trying.

Resilience is that magical power that has gotten me through the tough times.

When Were You Self Confident?

Can I make a confession?

I knew that I had struggled BIG-TIME with self-confidence but I never fully understood why… and I CERTAINLY NEVER counted how many years I wasted lacking self-confidence.

For me, it was 18 years. I had to pause after typing that last sentence to really soak it in. And it still hasn’t fully. It’s impactful. Anyway, back to you.

How long have YOU lacked self-confidence?

Most importantly, when did you get it back?

Was it when you started doing something meaningful in your life, in your self-development, in your volunteering or when you were surrounded by people who looked up to you?

For most of us, our greatest degree of self-confidence comes when we feel like we’re truly contributing to our household, to a workplace or to society.

It’s not that we’re not capable of doing great things. It’s just that we’re doubtful pretty much every step of the way and it would be nice if we could have some reassurance at some point.

After 23, my self-confidence has been a thing that goes up and down. Now it’s clearer than ever to see why.

We all go through different stages in life and it’s not always possible to be everything to everyone so that they praise you and therefore boost your self-confidence.


Validate Your OWN Feelings

Part of the reason why we lack the bit of self-confidence we can produce is that we aren’t the audience to ourselves that we can be.

we numb with business, social media, projects, food to not allow us to feel what we feel.

I feel so ______________.

Whatever that is for you, it’s okay.

You don’t have to change those feelings. You don’t have to feel ashamed of those feelings. You simply can just acknowledge them.

And have a good cry if you need to.


Who Chips Away At Your Self-Confidence?

If, as Simon Sinek says, people around you GIVE you confidence, it’s also important to know who takes it away from you.

Not to blame… but to be extra, extra cautious around those people.

I’m sure you know who they are… but in case you don’t…

Want a super-easy way to spot them? Yeah, like the plural version of them?

What is your love language?

Meaning what makes you feel MOST loved?

  • Words of Affirmation
  • Gifts
  • Acts of Service
  • Quality Time
  • Physical Touch

The person who is chipping away at your self-confidence is … giving you the opposite.

For example, if your love language is:

  • Words of Affirmation— they’re insulting you and using the nastiest words that anybody in your life is giving TO you. Not about your mistakes or actions but about your being.
  • Gifts- Gifts? What gifts?
  • Acts of Service- Umm yeah, they do some things for you, but nothing exciting. Nothing meaningful. Not even something basic. They CERTAINLY don’t reciprocate all of the things you do for them. If they do… it’s only about 10% of the things you do for them, MAX.
  • Quality Time- You’re the one who initiates quality time with them. They can live happily ever after without you. And making you feel bad is one way that they get more quality time.
  • Physical Touch- It’s few and far between… if it exists at all. And if they’re messing up in other areas… maybe you don’t even want physical touch.

So were you able to spot them?


What Is Self-Confidence Anyway?

If I were to ask you what is self-confidence… your answer will vary GREATLY from the ten other people I ask.

The reason for this is that self-confidence is an umbrella term that encompasses many other terms that we associate with self-confidence. Some of them are:

  • strong
  • trusting oneself
  • appreciating one’s value
  • Positive
  • Optimistic
  • Like they can rule the world.
  • Believe in our word, our value and ourselves
  • strong presence

It’s not easy to feel like:

  • Valued when you’re not heard
  • Heard when you receive no meaningful responses and you might as well be talking to the wall
  • You have friends when you’re always the one that needs to contact them
  • Your friends value you when they only answer what you ask them but they’re not interested enough to ask you any questions including asking you how you are
  • Beautiful when nobody compliments you
  • Strong when nobody supports you
  • Important when washing a dirty spoon is more urgent to the person you’re talking to
  • Optimistic when everybody doubts you
  • Positive when other people drag their feet to participate in the positive activities you suggest… and Heaven knows that you reaching your dreams doesn’t make them happy at all… but they don’t have any lofty dreams of their own.

So as you can see self-confidence is like a whole bunch of disconnected gears that kind of want to work together in this big machinery called this world. Self-confidence is complicated. It’s inconsistent.

“Self-Confidence is a projection. And how bright it is depends on the light that others in our life transmit to us.”

You’ve heard of the phrase “fake it till you make it.” And if you come from a background that’s so in shambles… that you’ve been faking that your life is everything BUT shambles for most of your life… then faking self-confidence DOESN’T have the same power. Because you’re using your faking juice for many other things in life. Or maybe you just plain and simple ran out of juice. Or don’t want to fake one other damn thing.

So whenever other people say what the unkind things they say about you to your face and otherwise… let them talk. They CLEARLY don’t have the empathy to imagine standing in your shoes and feel the way you do. Besides, empathy is more important than self-confidence… so if you have empathy, you’re golden.


Self-Confidence Has Been Made Out To Be More Important Than It Needs To Be

Some people have finished their cup of self-confidence and they’re VERY gung-ho about it.

If you’re reading this and you’re disagreeing that other people influence your self-confidence… well… (excuse me while I move my lips from side to side)… all I can say is good for you.

If you’re one of the people who were born with the ability to self-charge their own battery and can be at 100% self-confident… awesome.

Really. It’s so cool you can do that.

But not everybody can.

And if you really think you can be self-confident without ANY other input, validation or hurray… you should write a book about it or make an online course. Many people could apparently benefit.


So What Should You Do If You Lack Self-Confidence?


You got dealt the people around you you got dealt.

You can’t turn back the hands of time and swap people around.

Soooo… I have two things to offer you as advice regarding what to do if you lack self-confidence.

1) As Nike’s motto SO often is SO valuable I’m gonna tell you… “Just DO IT!” Pursue your dreams like if self-confidence didn’t mean a thing, had no weight and didn’t even EXIST.

You and I know it does exist… but for those of us who struggle with it… the lack of self-confidence can feel like a shackle holding it back.

The wonderful thing is, though, you’ve gotten to where you are in life even without a daily dose of self-esteem. That means that you can get even further in life without it.

“Self-esteem is nice to have, but as you’ve proven to yourself, it’s not actually vital.”

Try to convince yourself that you’re going to do what you want to do WITH or WITHOUT self-esteem.

Stop making self-esteem your why you move forward or why you don’t.

Make the benefit of doing what you want to do your driving force.

If you can and have to switch out the world self-esteem for self-motivation.

“The strength of your self-esteem depends on the response of others. The strength of your motivation depends on you.”

2) Even if we minimize the role that self-esteem plays in our life…. to almost nothing… for your sanity, happiness and just joy of living… do this: Be less tolerant of the BS.

For you, it might mean that you make other snarky remarks from other people just slide.

Or it may mean something else.

Whatever it is, you aren’t someone else’s trash can. So don’t let them feed you B.S..

If the person in your life isn’t going to be someone who helps increase your self-esteem then they certainly shouldn’t be the ones who take the self-esteem that you have left away from you.


What Makes Me The Most Upset About Self-Confidence

Most successful women in the world have a veeeeeery solid relationships.

Like the kind that movies are made of. Where privately nobody in the world could love and support them more than their current spouses. It’s like a perfect match. And it’s actually a match made in Heaven.

So if Heaven created that relationship for them… why didn’t Heaven create a relationship like that for everybody?

Oh, I see, it’s another form of injustice right? Or maybe it’s a form of settling. Or craving attention from the missing figures in our own life.


This Is The Gist

Yesterday I had this aha moment:

“The reason why more men are further ahead in life is because there are more women that support men than men who support women.”

Ladies, it’s not that they’re better than. No. That’s not it.

It’s that you, I, your mother, your aunt, your grandmother, your sister, your female friend and coworker, the old lady from the Italian hillside, to the new mom in New York is willing to put themselves last again and again to support little boys (and little girls).

And little girls grow up to care for others… but little boys? Not so much…. unless you really, really train them to do at least the little things, like say:

  • “Good morning” when you see each other in the morning.
  • “Bless you.” when you sneeze
  • “Are you okay?” when you hurt yourself.
  • “Do you need help?” when they see you struggling.
  • “Goodnight” when you go to bed.

This is empathy 101. This is very basic human decency. But at least it’s something.

So ladies… when you question why the world is tipped in the favor of men. You know the reason. It’s THANKS to females like YOU.

Without you, even a simple cold could wipe them out.

Men Show You Who They Are Every. Single. Day

Maya Angelou famously said,

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

And yet most of the time, we’re so loving… we are so wired to want to see the good in others and be so quick to support them… that we dismiss the proof that men give us regarding what their personality is like.

If they don’t say bless you because you sneeze four times and they don’t have time to wait until you’re done sneezing to say bless you, they’re showing you who they are.

If they pretend that you didn’t remind them of ______, or said ______ because they want to justify not doing a favor for you, they’re showing you who they are.

If they let you talk and talk and not say anything but a sentence fragment or a word here or there… they’re showing you who they are.

Often, we are so needy of getting a specific quality in our life… that we want to insert a specific quality we’re craving into one of the people we most value in our life… as if it were a computer chip. It doesn’t work that way.

Men, and people, in general, should be decent not because you ask them, but because it’s the decent thing to do.


The Ripple Effect

Some men. have an issue with female-empowerment.

They think that keeping women feeling small and playing small is a win for them.

They certainly don’t believe that women are superior to them in ANY way… and they don’t believe that women are even their equals.

They may not verbalize it… but their actions and treatment towards you show it.

And that’s unfortunate, but what’s even MORE unfortunate is that they don’t realize that by willingly withholding your empowerment… by making you basically feel like crap… your ability to mother your guy’s children is negatively affected. And since your children lacking all the presence, love, and full-minded attention that you could be giving them if you had a more supportive relationship because you feel incomplete, broken or less than, your negatively (without wanting to) affecting their childhood… and then when they grow up and have children, the childhood you unwittingly affected … will make them be less capable parents than they would be if you, right now, were able to TRULY give them your parenting All.

That’s the ripple effect. They are not holding women back… they’re holding their children back. Their community back… and the world back. For decades and centuries.

If they only knew that they could really help change the world for the better by simply being more present, more kind, more receptive, more empathetic and more loving.

Their coldness is not helping anyone. It’s not helping anything… except maybe their advancement in life… which will feel pretty less important if they had no women to share that experience with or to brag to.


Simon Sinek’s Solution To Self-Confidence and Life

But don’t worry, there is an easier and more philanthropic way of boosting your self-confidence.

Intuitively I know this, and you probably do too, but we hadn’t put it into words.

And that is, that in order to boost your confidence you actually have to focus on serving.

The word “confidence” starts with “co-” like comingle, conspire, codependency… etc. all those words imply that there is more than one person involved.

The “fid” part of the word usually means to trust.

So if you want to feel like what you have to contribute (also another word that starts with co-)… you have to help others out of the kindness of your heart.

In this conversation, Simon Sinek introduces a concept known as the infinite game.

And in it, he teaches us that life is an infinite game. That there are no winners or losers. Simply people who are ahead of us and who are behind us.

And in order to “win” this game (which there aren’t any specific predetermined times to play, rules for, or even pre-specified goal)… you don’t have to beat someone else… you just have to outlast them.

Don’t be jealous of people who have that shiny thing called self-confidence. Don’t be jealous of men who think they’ve dominated the game with our help or of women who have a magnificent husband that probably understands that it is an infinite game and that it’s okay for women to be empowered after all. Instead, use your energy to motivate yourself and for once go after what you really, really want.


Where Can You Listen To Simon Sinek’s Talk

If you want to listen to Simon’s talk visit this link Simon Sinek: The Power of the Infinite Mindset hosted by Lewis Howes, whom I had the good fortune of seeing speak a couple of years back.

The portion about self-confidence starts on 35:40 (35 minutes with 40 seconds).

If you want to read what I got from Lewis’ talk… you can read about it here. Who Were The Best World Domination Summit 2015 Speakers? | Love and Treasure

Or you can also open The Podcast App that I taught you how to use… in these two blog posts:

My Favorite Apps Of All Time | Love and Treasure


The 5 Lessons I Learned in 2018 That Can Help You And Me Squeeze The Most Goodness Out of 2019

and open up The School of Greatness Podcast to listen in on this conversation that talks about other interesting topics, as well.


Now It’s YOUR Turn

In the comments below, answer this question:

Do you consider yourself to have a strong sense of self-esteem? What things have helped you along the way?


I’d love to know.

Top 5 lessons I Learned in 2018 That Can Help You And Me Squeeze The Most Goodness Out Of 2019 by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure blog ( )

Top 5 lessons I Learned in 2018 That Can Help You And Me Squeeze The Most Goodness Out Of 2019

First of all, Happy 2019, my friend!

Sending you a big hug 🤗!

There’s something amazing about being able to live one more year.

Regardless of whether last year was great for you or not, what we can ALL agree on is that this year, 2019 CAN be a better year than last year.

And if you’re already starting to doubt that it CAN be a better year, watch it! 😉

How great 2019 is, LARGELY depends on your attitude, so keep it in check.


My Top 2018 Lessons

A lot of people have published their review of 2018 and shared their New Year’s resolutions for 2019. I want to go beyond that.

Today, I want to share with you 5 lessons that I learned in 2018 that can help YOU squeeze out the most goodness in 2019. To make it more positive. And to allow you to have the most amount of joy.


Lesson 1: Despite The Challenges You Made It To The End Of Last Year And The Beginning Of The New Year

That ☝️ in and of itself is a blessing.

We can simply start from that frame of mind, and suddenly, things become more positive.

Last year may or may not have been the perfect year, but you’re here. Alive. Today. In a country, with internet, on a device that you were able to purchase because of everything that you have to contribute to the world via your talents and skills. Or if you were gifted your device, you had/have someone in your life who was this generous or who has a good job that allows you to have a device to read this blog on.

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Love and Treasure Holiday Gift Guide 2018 for holiday and Christmas gift guide 2018 on Love and Treasure

Love and Treasure Holiday Gift Guide 2018

Somebody recently asked me if I love Black Friday.

I do, but I think I prefer Cyber Monday. 

And even though I like shopping, the things that bring me the MOST JOY lately are those that are the most useful for me — and that I actually use. 😉 

I call buying these types of things “mindful shopping.” It allows me to make mindful purchases that save money and provide an extra personal touch when it comes to gift giving.


What Type Of Gift-giver Am I And what type Of Gift-giver Do I Encourage You To Be?

Sometimes, I wish my income was so unlimited that I could give iPhones, iPads, MacBooks and iWatches to everybody and call it a day.

Why? Because I know that pretty much everyone would enjoy one of these products.

But, since I don’t have unlimited Christmas funds, I do the next best thing, which is to give people gifts based on who they are, what they like AND what could benefit them.

In other words, I’m a practical gift-giver.

Which is kind of ironic, come to think of it, because I’m a very sentimental person. But I would like things to last, be used over and over again and make me feel loved, every day, if possible.

For example, if I were to get a romantic gift… and I had the choice between flowers and jewelry… I would go with the jewelry— regardless of how expensive or inexpensive the jewelry is.

Not because jewelry tends to be more expensive in general, but because that piece of jewelry will be something that I could use for years and decades.

The roses, on the other hand, won’t last forever… although I do like to take pictures of the flowers I get in order to prolong their lifeline and remember the joy they brought me because I do like them.

Buying Thoughtful, Practical and Lasting Gifts For People Is The Key To Gift-giving.

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Have You Been Having A Rough Couple Of Years? You’re Not Alone

It’s Interesting What We Don’t Share

I was listening to the amazing author, researcher and storyteller Brené Brown’s audiobook on my way to my brother’s birthday get-together 🍰 the other day.

And she was talking about how we as humans have the tendency to not share our problems until after we’ve fixed them.

Does that sound like you?

It certainly sounds like me.  Heck, I sometimes don’t even share my problems even AFTER I’ve fixed them.

So why am I sharing this with you?

Because I realize that I haven’t written as frequently as I used to.  And there are reasons for that that haven’t been resolved 100%.

But I feel it’s important to share them with you simply so that you know that if you’re experiencing the same thing, or a whole different set of feelings and issues and have therefore been having a rough couple of years, you’re not alone.


The 2016 U.S. Election

It seems as if the world we knew officially stopped existing on that dark, murky and worldwide dark night of the soul.

Summed up:

  • I was hopeful that we would avoid the disaster the one candidate is and celebrate our first female president.
  • When the preliminary results weren’t shifting in our favor, I started to get very worried.
  • I held on to hope until there was no hope.
  • I went to bed extremely sad.
  • I woke up even more sad… especially because I was hoping that the results had turned around. That my loss of hope was just in my head. But the nightmare that I thought had happened was now our reality.
  • And when I saw my toddler in the morning, I got SUPER emotional. I couldn’t hold back the tears.
  • And there was nobody to talk to.
  • It was hard.
  • It continues to be hard because unimaginably horrible things have happened as a nation since then.
  • And the end of this downward spiral, that political experts said would take 10 months to sort out is nowhere in sight. I need the light at the end of the tunnel. And I’m sure that if you can relate, you do too. But as long as the tunnel is, we have to see the light. Eventually. We have to.
  • But in a nutshell, it’s been challenging to be cheery, creative and be able to focus on the things we love and treasure 100% because of this.
  • Ironically though, it’s the people whom I love that have been the saving grace during this time, including loving myself.

How would you say the election affected you?

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My Lifestyle Favorites For Spring 2017 (Part 1)

Is it just me or has 2017 gone by in a flash?


You probably feel it’s gone in a flash, too.


So, before any more time slips out of our hands, let me share some of my Spring 2017 Lifestyle Favorites that you can enjoy this Spring and beyond.


Some of these links are affiliate links. All opinions are my own, and I share these products with you because I think you’ll REALLY love them.


Do You Feel Guilty Just Thinking About Shopping?

Hey, I get it.


When you have little ones, what you want to do is buy things for them. Buy what they need, not necessarily what you want.


But, let me share a favorite plugin, that will make you feel a little bit better about buying online.




It’s called Ebates.


If you haven’t tried Ebates, you’re in for a very special treat. Can I be super honest with you? I had heard several people raving about

Can I be super honest with you? Several years ago, I had heard several people raving about Ebates , but I didn’t sign up. It kept on pushing this task off, thinking that this wasn’t as cool of a plugin as people said it was.


But boy, was I wrong! And it potentially cost me hundreds of dollars as a result of not having signed up earlier.


Why do I say this?


Because within days of signing up, I had earned about $25.56 dollars cash back, given that I had made a few more purchases than usual (you’ll see some of these purchases below).


If you sign up for Ebates through this link, you’ll get $10.00 in bonus cash back right away. Pretty sweet, right?


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5 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Artist (Part 2) 5.12.17 by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure Blog

5 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Artist (Part 2)

In the previous post, we talked about the first 3 out of the 5 ways to embrace your inner artist. Today, we will explore the rest.


4) A Pristine, Clean Home Isn’t The Goal

There is a time and place to teach your kids to take care of themselves. But unless paint, glitter, glue or something super hard to clean is being thrown all around, don’t worry too much about the mess that your kid can be making while making art.


Two posts ago, I shared that deciding where to make art was important. I also recommended using an art mat to protect your table.


But overall, know that you will see glue sticks out, crayons out, artwork on your home surfaces, paint projects drying. It’s normal.


It’s common to see this kind of stuff in homes where kids are just being kids, but if you’re homeschooling your kids with the Mother Goose Time Curriculum, expect to see these artistic products and finished projects even more.


“The art supplies, art projects and kid messes you feel overwhelmed by today, will probably be the things you miss most when your kids leave the nest.” – Haydee Montemayor

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5 Practical Ways to Get Comfortable With Art 4.28.17 by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure blog

5 Practical Ways To Get Comfortable With Art

Last week, we talked about the fact that often, we are the ones who get in our own way of creating art.


But, we need to get over ourselves for our sake, for our child’s sake. We need to create art for the fun of it and for the creativity benefits it provides.

“There’s no better way to learning about creativity than by being creative.” -Haydee Montemayor


Here Are 5 Practical Ways To Get More Comfortable With Art

There are 5 little things that you need to make art:

  1. Gather The Materials to Make Art
  2. Make The Time to Make Art
  3. Decide The Best Location To Make Art
  4. Be in the Moment While Doing Art And
  5. Appreciate The Art You Make

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15 Ways To Preserve Your Loved Ones' Digital Photos by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure blog at

15 Ways To Preserve Your Loved Ones’ Digital Photos

One of my greatest frustrations in life is technology. It so happens to be one of my greatest loves. I love, love, LOVE it. So much so, that when my husband suggested that I stopped using it (since he has the inside scoop on how many issues I have with it), I thought he was out of his mind. ?


So you won’t believe what I’m gonna share with you today! Actually you do, since you read the title. I may very well be the last person that should be giving anybody advice on technology… BUT since I know how very awful it feels when technology fails you, I can’t help but share with you what I’ve learned in the process of losing some treasures… precisely to technology.


Of all the things you can lose when technology fails, losing digital photos is probably the worst. There’s no way to recreate the sane exact moment more than once…so when a snapshot of any given moment in your life is gone, it’s GONE.


So let’s focus on how to preserve the photos that you have stored digitally (although many of these tips also help you protect other documents you cherish).


1) Remember That No Computer and No Device Is Eternal

  • No matter how much you spent on your computer, cell phone or external hard disk… or how many 5 star reviews it had…. the question is not IF the device will fail you. The question is WHEN.
  • I know this sounds dire. Awful. Even cruel for me to tell you this.
    • But I’m the person that had to spend several hundred dollars to fix a failed INTERNAL hard drive on my laptop that SUPPOSEDLY was backing up to a super well-rated external hard disk… only to later find out that the EXTERNAL hard disk had broken down, too. So imagine that! Not one, but TWO hard disks broken at the same time. Sigh.
    • When this happens to you…which I hope it doesn’t (although it will), what you learn is not to trust technology. Which is SUCH a shame because technology is so cool and it allows you to do so much. Unfortunately, keeping your files forever is not one of them.

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