Category: Mother Goose Time

My Lifestyle Favorites For Spring 2017 (Part 1)

Is it just me or has 2017 gone by in a flash?


You probably feel it’s gone in a flash, too.


So, before any more time slips out of our hands, let me share some of my Spring 2017 Lifestyle Favorites that you can enjoy this Spring and beyond.


Some of these links are affiliate links. All opinions are my own, and I share these products with you because I think you’ll REALLY love them.


Do You Feel Guilty Just Thinking About Shopping?

Hey, I get it.


When you have little ones, what you want to do is buy things for them. Buy what they need, not necessarily what you want.


But, let me share a favorite plugin, that will make you feel a little bit better about buying online.




It’s called Ebates.


If you haven’t tried Ebates, you’re in for a very special treat. Can I be super honest with you? I had heard several people raving about

Can I be super honest with you? Several years ago, I had heard several people raving about Ebates , but I didn’t sign up. It kept on pushing this task off, thinking that this wasn’t as cool of a plugin as people said it was.


But boy, was I wrong! And it potentially cost me hundreds of dollars as a result of not having signed up earlier.


Why do I say this?


Because within days of signing up, I had earned about $25.56 dollars cash back, given that I had made a few more purchases than usual (you’ll see some of these purchases below).


If you sign up for Ebates through this link, you’ll get $10.00 in bonus cash back right away. Pretty sweet, right?


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5 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Artist (Part 2) 5.12.17 by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure Blog

5 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Artist (Part 2)

In the previous post, we talked about the first 3 out of the 5 ways to embrace your inner artist. Today, we will explore the rest.


4) A Pristine, Clean Home Isn’t The Goal

There is a time and place to teach your kids to take care of themselves. But unless paint, glitter, glue or something super hard to clean is being thrown all around, don’t worry too much about the mess that your kid can be making while making art.


Two posts ago, I shared that deciding where to make art was important. I also recommended using an art mat to protect your table.


But overall, know that you will see glue sticks out, crayons out, artwork on your home surfaces, paint projects drying. It’s normal.


It’s common to see this kind of stuff in homes where kids are just being kids, but if you’re homeschooling your kids with the Mother Goose Time Curriculum, expect to see these artistic products and finished projects even more.


“The art supplies, art projects and kid messes you feel overwhelmed by today, will probably be the things you miss most when your kids leave the nest.” – Haydee Montemayor

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5 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Artist (Part 1) 5.5.17 by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure

5 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Artist (Part 1)

What does embracing your inner artist mean to you?

To me, embracing your inner artist means recognizing the benefits of making art for the sake of making art and then pursuing art for the sheer pleasure it can give.


It means that while I may or may not be the best artist or consider myself to have any, a little or a lot of artistic talent, I’m cool with making art.


In the last post, 5 Ways To Get Comfortable With Art, I shared the basics of being willing to go near art.


Today, I want so share how to friend art.


Ready To Embrace Your Inner Artist?


Let’s DO THIS!

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5 Practical Ways to Get Comfortable With Art 4.28.17 by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure blog

5 Practical Ways To Get Comfortable With Art

Last week, we talked about the fact that often, we are the ones who get in our own way of creating art.


But, we need to get over ourselves for our sake, for our child’s sake. We need to create art for the fun of it and for the creativity benefits it provides.

“There’s no better way to learning about creativity than by being creative.” -Haydee Montemayor


Here Are 5 Practical Ways To Get More Comfortable With Art

There are 5 little things that you need to make art:

  1. Gather The Materials to Make Art
  2. Make The Time to Make Art
  3. Decide The Best Location To Make Art
  4. Be in the Moment While Doing Art And
  5. Appreciate The Art You Make

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The Most Important Lesson You Can Learn From A Millionaire Artist by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure

The Most Important Lesson You Can Learn From A Millionaire Artist

As a creative and a writer, I recognize the immense importance that creativity plays in our early years and throughout our life.


But, if we stop to really ask ourselves how comfortable we are with creativity, most of us would agree that creativity is an uncomfortable process.


We think that in order to engage in creative tasks, we must prune our insecurities and deliver just the fruit.


But, it’s an oxymoron to think like that because:


“Creativity and insecurity go hand in hand.”


Don’t believe me?


Just think about it for just a second.


If I were to wave my magic wand (or A magic wand… I don’t have one, but it would be nice)… and grant you the ability to do the creative task that appeals to you THE MOST.


What creative task would you want to do?

  • Writing a book?
  • Writing a blog?
  • Watercoloring?
  • Cupcake decorating?
  • Sewing?
  • Card making?
  • Jewelry making?
  • Oh I know… singing?
  • Dancing?
  • All of the above?


It really doesn’t matter if the creative task that you’d like to do is in the list or if I failed to include it.


The following question is much more important:


WHAT is keeping you from engaging in this art?

Think about it for a moment. Listen to your internal dialogue and then tell me what your “inner you” told your “outer you.”

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10 Reasons You'll Love Mother Goose Time 4.14.17 by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure blog

12 Reasons Why You’ll Love Mother Goose Time

In a world filled with too much information and too many products, it’s difficult to choose. So, what do we do? We read reviews, such as those on Amazon and we ask for recommendations from people who are in a similar situation as us.  So if you’re wondering what preschool curriculum you should choose, here are 10 reasons why you’ll love Mother Goose Time.


12 Reasons Why You’ll Love Mother Goose Time


Reason #1: You Get To Make Your Child A Priority

We have way too many things to fill our day with.


It doesn’t matter if you stretch your days horizontally and wake up earlier and go to bed later… you’ll always have more to do.


It also doesn’t matter if you stretch your days vertically and work every weekend and weekday, you still probably won’t have enough time to do all that you want to do.


So, I have a tip for you that I often have to remind myself of:

"Instead of thinking of the million different reasons why you can't spend more time with your child, make it your #1 daily goal to actually spend time with your child." - Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure blog

“Instead of thinking of the million different reasons why you can’t spend more time with your child, make it your #1 daily goal to actually spend time with your child.” – Haydee Montemayor

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10 Reasons Your Kids Will Love Mother Goose Time Lessons 4.7.17 by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure Blog that you can find at

10 Reasons Your Kids Will Love Mother Goose Time Lessons

When was the last time your child told you that they couldn’t wait to start a lesson?


When was the last time they followed you around the house to let you know that they wanted to do a learning activity with you?


If your answer is “never”… then let me tell you that Mother Goose Time Curriculum is a resource that your children will love.

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Mother Goose Time Makes The Stars Align by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure Blog you can find at

Mother Goose Time Makes The Stars Align

You know how people say that life is easier when the stars align?



Well, the Mother Goose Time Curriculum aligns the learning stars. And it makes learning easier


It helps:

  • Children have a more wholistic view about the world through their multi-disciplinary lessons
  • You teach, plus your children learn, about patterns, which will turboboost their learning.



Bringing Learning To Life Through Multi-Disciplinary Experiences 

Some of the best experiences we can have are multi-sensory. And some of the best lessons we can be part of are multidisciplinary.


Multidisciplinary lessons are lessons that are from different disciplines, which are better known as subjects such as reading, writing, math, spelling and so on.


The neat thing about having a curriculum that combines many disciplines, is that you can customize the curriculum this curriculum not only based on your child’s needs but on your memories and experiences as a family.


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Holidays Bring Learning To Life by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure blog found at

Holidays Bring Learning To Life

Do you remember how slowly one year seemed go by when YOU were a kid?


You savored every season. You were barely done celebrating one holiday when you wanted to celebrate the other.


And it wasn’t just those holidays that had a long vacation attached to them that you enjoyed. You enjoyed pretty much all of them, because they gave you the opportunity to celebrate in community.



Holidays At Home

One of the best things about teaching your children at home is that you help your kids foster a love for learning, and a love for holiday celebrations.


Introducing holidays to your kids for the first time is even more special because they’ll always remember (knock on wood) when you introduced them to this holiday. But even if they don’t remember everything you taught them, when they go to traditional school, they will already have a notion about what that holiday is.


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7 Factors To Consider Before Sending Your Kids to Traditional Preschool by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure blog

7 Factors To Consider Before Sending Your Kids to Traditional Preschool

While everybody’s situation is different, here are 7 factors to consider before sending your kids to traditional preschool (if you have the opportunity to either send your children to preschool or not send them):

  • The cons of sending your kids to preschool
  • The pros of homeschooling your preschooler
  • Your kid’s desires and the impact consideration (or lack of consideration) of those desires will have on the relationship between you and your child
  • The importance of truly valuing the process of education
  • How to handle peer pressure
  • Listening to your heart and intuition
  • A happy solution for addressing early education


Top 5 Cons of Sending Your Kids To Traditional Preschool

As convenient as sending your kids to preschool may seem…. it is important that you fully think-through the ramifications of what sending your kids to preschool can mean for your family.

Let’s start off with the tiny things and work our way up.

  1. Propensity To Get Sick

    • Your kids will be exposed to more germs year-round and this will increase their propensity of getting sick. And getting their siblings sick. And getting you sick. (Bet you hadn’t thought of this possibility thoroughly, had you?)
    • Yes, this germ exposure will strengthen their immune systems, hopefully, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that they’ll get sick.
  2. You Will Start To Chauffeur Your Child Around A Year Sooner*

    • (* Or more, depending on what age your kids are when you send them to preschool).
    • This might not seem like a big deal, but it’ll have repercussions on your night routine, sleep (or lack of it), morning routine, time, stress, gas, pocketbook, vacations and end-of-the-school-day arrangements.
  3. They Will Pick Up Bad Habits

    • Umm, how can we put this lightly? The more people your kids encounter, the more ideas they’ll get (whether they’re positive or negative). And no, our kids aren’t saints, but as parents we try our best to minimize their exposure to certain things in life, language, topics, bad habits, ways of being. And when they’re not under our supervision, what they get exposed to is not something that we can control.  And that will be tough on you. But more than ever, character development is important.
  4. You Will Surrender Teaching, Educating And Your Overall Time With Your Children To Someone Else During This Impressionable Age AND Your Authority, Whether You Like It Or Not, May Be Diminished

    • You will no longer be the only one your kids want to please. Take that in for just a second. Yep, someone else can be above you in their totem pole of “the important people in their life” and that will hurt your heart, your soul, and let’s face it, your ego. You will probably start hearing things like, “my teacher says that __.” or “That’s not the way my teacher Ms./Mr. (blank) taught me.” And while yes, there are other adults who can show your child about school subjects, life, and manners… sharing your child’s love, appreciation and admiration with other people may be difficult. Plus, knowing kids, what other people teach them can be used to challenge you.
  5. You Will Miss Your Child When They’re Away

  • And once you let them go to school… it’ll be a constant letting go. That time that you decide that you want them to spend in preschool will be time that you will never, EVER get back. (Don’t you just get teary-eyed thinking about it?)

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