Author: Haydee Montemayor

My Favorite Products from The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit 2018 Ultimate Bundle

As you may know, The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit is available until midnight on October 15th, 2018.

That means that you have to make a pretty quick decision as to whether or not you want it. But I want to help you make a wise decision.

If you haven’t read my post, 4-Minute Summary Of The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit , you should in order to get a quick idea of what it entails. Or you can just head on over to the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit website to jump in the deal.

Today, I want to share with you what my favorite products from the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit bundle are. I’m just giving you a handful so that you get an idea, but the vast majority of the products are wonderful, these are just my crème de la crème top-picks.

Let’s jump right in!


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4- Minute Summary Of The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit 2018 By Ultimate Bundles

One of my favorite times of year is Fall.

Fall leaves, leather boots, sweaters, hot chocolate, pumpkin desserts, the color orange, cool air, you name it, I love it.

BUT one of the things that I ALSO love about fall isss… that it’s time for the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit 2018!


If you’re a blogger, know a blogger, wanna be a blogger, or want to do a solid for one of the bloggers that you totally admire even if it’s from afar…

I highly recommend that you take a look at the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit (GBT)  (or share this post with them).


What Is The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit?

It is a bundle of resources in which many bloggers, entrepreneurs and authors have pitched into by providing their eBooks, eCourses, printable packs, workbooks, templates, stock photo packs and membership sites at an insanely discounted price.

Ultimate Bundles offers many bundles throughout the year, but the GENIUS Blogger’s Toolkit is my personal favorite (I’ve bought it for the past 3 years) and it happens to be one of the Ultimate Bundles’ most popular bundles.

So if you’re a blogger it’s a not-to-be-missed opportunity.

Why is it that special?

In a nutshell, instead of getting 1 course for x amount of money, you get an ENTIRE bundle worth thousands of dollars for less than the cost of 1 course.

The sale is SO insane that it is available for just a limited time. The GBTK will just be available for just 6 days.

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Have You Been Having A Rough Couple Of Years? You’re Not Alone

It’s Interesting What We Don’t Share

I was listening to the amazing author, researcher and storyteller Brené Brown’s audiobook on my way to my brother’s birthday get-together 🍰 the other day.

And she was talking about how we as humans have the tendency to not share our problems until after we’ve fixed them.

Does that sound like you?

It certainly sounds like me.  Heck, I sometimes don’t even share my problems even AFTER I’ve fixed them.

So why am I sharing this with you?

Because I realize that I haven’t written as frequently as I used to.  And there are reasons for that that haven’t been resolved 100%.

But I feel it’s important to share them with you simply so that you know that if you’re experiencing the same thing, or a whole different set of feelings and issues and have therefore been having a rough couple of years, you’re not alone.


The 2016 U.S. Election

It seems as if the world we knew officially stopped existing on that dark, murky and worldwide dark night of the soul.

Summed up:

  • I was hopeful that we would avoid the disaster the one candidate is and celebrate our first female president.
  • When the preliminary results weren’t shifting in our favor, I started to get very worried.
  • I held on to hope until there was no hope.
  • I went to bed extremely sad.
  • I woke up even more sad… especially because I was hoping that the results had turned around. That my loss of hope was just in my head. But the nightmare that I thought had happened was now our reality.
  • And when I saw my toddler in the morning, I got SUPER emotional. I couldn’t hold back the tears.
  • And there was nobody to talk to.
  • It was hard.
  • It continues to be hard because unimaginably horrible things have happened as a nation since then.
  • And the end of this downward spiral, that political experts said would take 10 months to sort out is nowhere in sight. I need the light at the end of the tunnel. And I’m sure that if you can relate, you do too. But as long as the tunnel is, we have to see the light. Eventually. We have to.
  • But in a nutshell, it’s been challenging to be cheery, creative and be able to focus on the things we love and treasure 100% because of this.
  • Ironically though, it’s the people whom I love that have been the saving grace during this time, including loving myself.

How would you say the election affected you?

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My Lifestyle Favorites For Spring 2017 (Part 2)

Last week, I shared with you some of the items I’ve greatly been enjoying My Lifestyle Favorites For Spring 2017 (Part 1)My Lifestyle Favorites For Spring 2017 (Part 1) that included the following categories:

  • plugins
  • digital products
  • family products
  • office products
  • fashion items
  • food and
  • baby/kid products

Today, I’d like to share MORE of my favorites with you because I think that you’ll also enjoy them in the seasons ahead.



Multi-media Favorites


I love music. It relaxes me. It makes me happy.


But instead of sharing you ONE song that I’ve been enjoying, I want to share something even BETTER.


I have been enjoying Prime Music , which is included with your  Amazon Prime membership.

Prime Music Logo on Haydee Montemayor 's blog Love and Treasure


Basically, Prime Music is a service that allows you to play one of 2 million, ad-free, on-demand songs on your computer, on your Android Tablet, iOS tablet, Android Phone, iOS phone or on your hands-free speakers from Amazon’s Alexa family.  (Just for reference, Amazon’s Echo Dot 2nd generation, has about 4 times as many reviews as the Harry Potter movie with the most reviews.  People are really liking these hands-free speakers).


Personally, I use Prime Music on my cell phone, on my computer’s web browser and on my own Wi-fi enabled speakers.

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Money Archetype by Denise Duffield-Thomas recommended by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure

Could Your “Money Personality” Be Sabotaging You?

Hello Love and Treasure Community, I have a special treat for you. Here is a guest blog post by Denise Duffield-Thomas, author of two amazing books that will help you remove the obstacles that you have surrounding money, who will help you answer: Could Your “Money” Personality Be Sabotaging You?

It’s hard to love and treasure the most important things in life when you have money worrying you in the back of your mind.

Hope you enjoy it.  =)

And at the end, I highly suggest that you take her quiz so that you know what your money personality is.  This will help you see what aspects of your money personality are positive and what aspects you can tweak to be even more abundant in every sense of the word.

Without further ado… here’s Denise.



You know the feeling you get when you do “that thing” around money AGAIN?

Spend wildly on a new extravagance even though bills are due…

Hoard every penny even though you really want to splurge on a vacation…

Forgo a spa treatment because your daughter really wants that new pair of designer jeans…

Whatever you do with money, I bet you don’t just do it once. Most of us have habits with money — some of which serve us, and some which definitely do not.

So we do “that thing” again, and inside we feel unhappy. It’s not that we don’t want to treat ourselves, or save up money, or buy our loved ones special gifts.

It’s just that we feel like we’re making money decisions on autopilot. Like we’re not in control of the situation, and we’re not so sure we’re crazy about the results of our actions.

Well, what if I told you that you have a unique “money DNA” which is where those habits come from?

Even better, what if I told you that you could “crack the code” on your money DNA and start to leverage your money strengths, while compensating for your weaknesses — so you could stop repeating that same old money story and start living a new one?

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My Lifestyle Favorites For Spring 2017 (Part 1)

Is it just me or has 2017 gone by in a flash?


You probably feel it’s gone in a flash, too.


So, before any more time slips out of our hands, let me share some of my Spring 2017 Lifestyle Favorites that you can enjoy this Spring and beyond.


Some of these links are affiliate links. All opinions are my own, and I share these products with you because I think you’ll REALLY love them.


Do You Feel Guilty Just Thinking About Shopping?

Hey, I get it.


When you have little ones, what you want to do is buy things for them. Buy what they need, not necessarily what you want.


But, let me share a favorite plugin, that will make you feel a little bit better about buying online.




It’s called Ebates.


If you haven’t tried Ebates, you’re in for a very special treat. Can I be super honest with you? I had heard several people raving about

Can I be super honest with you? Several years ago, I had heard several people raving about Ebates , but I didn’t sign up. It kept on pushing this task off, thinking that this wasn’t as cool of a plugin as people said it was.


But boy, was I wrong! And it potentially cost me hundreds of dollars as a result of not having signed up earlier.


Why do I say this?


Because within days of signing up, I had earned about $25.56 dollars cash back, given that I had made a few more purchases than usual (you’ll see some of these purchases below).


If you sign up for Ebates through this link, you’ll get $10.00 in bonus cash back right away. Pretty sweet, right?


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5 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Artist (Part 2) 5.12.17 by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure Blog

5 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Artist (Part 2)

In the previous post, we talked about the first 3 out of the 5 ways to embrace your inner artist. Today, we will explore the rest.


4) A Pristine, Clean Home Isn’t The Goal

There is a time and place to teach your kids to take care of themselves. But unless paint, glitter, glue or something super hard to clean is being thrown all around, don’t worry too much about the mess that your kid can be making while making art.


Two posts ago, I shared that deciding where to make art was important. I also recommended using an art mat to protect your table.


But overall, know that you will see glue sticks out, crayons out, artwork on your home surfaces, paint projects drying. It’s normal.


It’s common to see this kind of stuff in homes where kids are just being kids, but if you’re homeschooling your kids with the Mother Goose Time Curriculum, expect to see these artistic products and finished projects even more.


“The art supplies, art projects and kid messes you feel overwhelmed by today, will probably be the things you miss most when your kids leave the nest.” – Haydee Montemayor

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5 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Artist (Part 1) 5.5.17 by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure

5 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Artist (Part 1)

What does embracing your inner artist mean to you?

To me, embracing your inner artist means recognizing the benefits of making art for the sake of making art and then pursuing art for the sheer pleasure it can give.


It means that while I may or may not be the best artist or consider myself to have any, a little or a lot of artistic talent, I’m cool with making art.


In the last post, 5 Ways To Get Comfortable With Art, I shared the basics of being willing to go near art.


Today, I want so share how to friend art.


Ready To Embrace Your Inner Artist?


Let’s DO THIS!

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5 Practical Ways to Get Comfortable With Art 4.28.17 by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure blog

5 Practical Ways To Get Comfortable With Art

Last week, we talked about the fact that often, we are the ones who get in our own way of creating art.


But, we need to get over ourselves for our sake, for our child’s sake. We need to create art for the fun of it and for the creativity benefits it provides.

“There’s no better way to learning about creativity than by being creative.” -Haydee Montemayor


Here Are 5 Practical Ways To Get More Comfortable With Art

There are 5 little things that you need to make art:

  1. Gather The Materials to Make Art
  2. Make The Time to Make Art
  3. Decide The Best Location To Make Art
  4. Be in the Moment While Doing Art And
  5. Appreciate The Art You Make

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The Most Important Lesson You Can Learn From A Millionaire Artist by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure

The Most Important Lesson You Can Learn From A Millionaire Artist

As a creative and a writer, I recognize the immense importance that creativity plays in our early years and throughout our life.


But, if we stop to really ask ourselves how comfortable we are with creativity, most of us would agree that creativity is an uncomfortable process.


We think that in order to engage in creative tasks, we must prune our insecurities and deliver just the fruit.


But, it’s an oxymoron to think like that because:


“Creativity and insecurity go hand in hand.”


Don’t believe me?


Just think about it for just a second.


If I were to wave my magic wand (or A magic wand… I don’t have one, but it would be nice)… and grant you the ability to do the creative task that appeals to you THE MOST.


What creative task would you want to do?

  • Writing a book?
  • Writing a blog?
  • Watercoloring?
  • Cupcake decorating?
  • Sewing?
  • Card making?
  • Jewelry making?
  • Oh I know… singing?
  • Dancing?
  • All of the above?


It really doesn’t matter if the creative task that you’d like to do is in the list or if I failed to include it.


The following question is much more important:


WHAT is keeping you from engaging in this art?

Think about it for a moment. Listen to your internal dialogue and then tell me what your “inner you” told your “outer you.”

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