Double Your Followers with Creative Marketing, a CreativeLive Course taught by April Bowles-Olin a blog post by Haydee Montemayor from Love and Treasure blog you can find at

7 Things I’m Looking Forward To Learning From Double Your Followers With Creative Marketing

Looking forward to upgrading your online business experience?

If so, this post and the great resource that I’ll share with you, is probably what you’ve been looking for.

The Teacher Who Can Help You Grow Your Audience And The Resource That Will Be Your Roadmap

Upon finding out that April Bowles-Olin was going to be coming out with a new CreativeLive course called Double Your Followers with Creative MarketingI was super excited!

If you don’t know, April is an exceptional teacher, creative business consultant and marketing strategist who has worked with hundreds of creative entrepreneurs. No matter where she presents her expertise she is able to connect with the audience and present invaluable tools. To get an idea about what I’m talking about, I highly suggest you take a look at her site, Blacksburg Belle. There, you’ll find many marketing resources for creative entrepreneurs which also work even if you don’t consider yourself creative. Oh, and by the way, it’s important to warn you that by having April in your life, you won’t be able to help but WANT to be creative. And that’s a big deal, because most of use have been running away from our creativity most of our lives.

What I’m most looking forward to getting from the Double Your Followers with Creative Marketing course are the many valuable tools, strategies and resources which I’m sure April has compiled for her students.

This course will begin on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 with a live broadcast at 9 AM PST. (If you’re planning on attending, which you should because you can watch the broadcast for FREE simply by RSVPing at this link, make sure you jot the event and time on your calendar and add lots of alarms and reminders so you don’t miss it).

Then, every weekday from September 29 to October 30th, April will present a prerecorded 30-60 min. lesson. That’s FIVE WEEKS of April goodness! WOW!

In case you’re wanting to watch the course for free, you don’t have to panic if you miss a session during the week because thankfully, (SIGH), on the weekends, you’ll be and to catch the lesson you missed. However, there is a tiny downfall, and that is that you’ll have to invest some time in finding exactly when your missed lesson will be playing because all the lessons for the week will be playing on a loop. But, on the bright side, seeing a lesson or several lessons more than once can be very beneficial.

There’s More To Her Videos Than Meets The Eye

April is sooooo generous that many of the resources will be available to you for free by RSVPing to the course Double Your Followers with Creative MarketingTake a look at the list below and you’ll see that you’ll get three bonuses simply for RSVPing and two for additional bonuses for purchasing.

Bonus Materials with RSVP

  • Creative Live Spreecast Q&A Calls
  • Your Dream Life & Business Workbook
  • Double Your Followers Private Facebook Group

Bonus Materials With Purchase

  • Glam Your Site Workbook
  • Balancing Blogging & Life Bonus Video MP4 (635 MB)

What I Am Most Looking Forward To Learning From Double Your Followers With Creative Marketing

So now that I hopefully have been able to get you all excited about April’s course, let me share with you, what I am most looking forward to learning:

  1. How to market effectively so that I don’t feel like I have to be on social media for most hours of the day in order to make a difference and grow a following.

2. What I’d love to learn is how to double, triple or quadruple my readership and list size. I don’t think it matters how big or small our lists are, growing our list is something that we would all like. In my case, it’s not just because I want to see the numbers grow, it’s that I want to see that I’m making a larger impact with my message. And it’s exciting to know that April will give us strategies exactly how to do that!

3. Since hearing April say that Instagram is “awe-mazing” for sharing one’s message and growing one’s following, I created an Instagram account. However, I know that I still have much to learn to make the most out of it. And I really want to learn how to use it better because the people on Instagram are in fact amazing, they’re supportive, engaging, creative and giving, based on my own experience.

4.  Even though Facebook is one of the social media networks that has been around for the longest period of time and works wonders for people, I would still like to learn how maximize this platform… especially since this is one platform where there is no limit to how much I want to express myself or my followers want to express with me. And with the many changes Facebook undergoes, it’s important to stay on top of how to best engage with one’s followers.

5. As wonderful as social media platforms are, the ultimate goal isn’t to grow social media followers, but instead to grow email list subscribers, because that’s the only list you’re truly in control of. Social media platforms can always come and go or change their terms and conditions from one moment to the next, so it’s better to know who your followers are and be able to reach out to them whenever you want.

6. Yet when you reach out, it’s important to know how to connect well with an audience and I would like to improve my copywriting skills so that I can do precisely that.

  1. Aside from connecting with one’s audience and helping them, another point of any business is to sell. And the sales page is one of the most important sales pages on one’s website because it is like a sales representative that works for you and that literally represents you 24/7. Learning how to write sales pages that connect, use buyer’s psychology and use the appropriate copywriting necessary to show my followers that I can help them is something that I definitely look forward to improving.

I’m happy to know that this course will present the material in actionable pieces throughout the course of five weeks so that we make the time to implement what we are learning.

Want To Join In On The Fun?

If you’re interested in learning more about these topics plus more that you can find by visiting the official CreativeLive page for this course, then I suggest that you RSVP so that you can watch for free during broadcasts which will start on September 29, 2015 and will end on October 30, 2015.

If, however, you know that you won’t be able to watch the broadcast at the time you air or during the weekends that follow when the replays will be on a loop, you can buy April’s course for $199.00 by visiting that same CreativeLive page.

If you’re not ready to buy the course Just yet because you don’t know how much you’ll like the content,  you’re unsure as to whether or not you will enjoy learning on the CreativeLive platform, or aren’t familiar with April’s teaching style yet, don’t worry. RSVP for the course for free, try it out, see how you like it and how much value you can get from it and then decide if you want to purchase the course to gain lifetime access.

Whether you buy or join the course for free, be sure to participate in the chats and make comments and question during the live portions of the course. I think you’ll greatly enjoy interacting with like-minded peers, getting your comment or question acknowledged by the amazingly caring CreativeLive staff and possibly getting your question answered by April.

Now It’s Your Turn

Based on what I’ve shared with you regarding what I want to learn from this Double Your Followers with Creative Marketing course, and the research that you may have done by visiting the CreativeLive page , what’s the one thing that you’re most looking forward to learning from April? Share your comment below.

Disclosure About My Evident Love:

With all my enthusiasm for both CreativeLive and April Bowles-Olin, you may think that I’m being compensated to say what I said. Let me assure you, I’m not.

I’ve taken CreativeLive courses before and I love the caring, giving, professional and momentum-creating platform that this is. Everybody from the CEO, Chase Jarvis to the staff, is amazing. Check out the Creative Live About Page and you’ll be amazed to see who’s on the first picture on that page… April Bowles-Olin herself! I’m tellingggg you!!! I’m not recommending that you participate in this course and platform for no reason. April has been recognized as one of the best instructors on CreativeLive.

I met April in 2013. And since meeting her, I’ve read her book, Marketing for Creatives, listened to several of her interviews, purchased another of her CreativeLive courses (and have some more of her courses on my CreativeLive wishlist), seen her on various Screencast videos and participated in a couple of her other programs. Plus, I know her bestie Mayi Carles (whom I’ve written about in the past) and I know that these two ladies are legit and offer high-quality products and great customer service. For all these reasons, I recommend April’s course without reservation. You have nothing to lose and LOTS to gain! I can’t wait to hear how instrumental both CreativeLive and April Bowles-Olin has been in your life.

This post is a part of the Double Your Followers blog tour to spread the word about April Bowles-Olin’s upcoming CreativeLive course. Does hearing the word ‘marketing’ make your armpits start to drip with anxiety? Are you terrified of sounding salesy or like you have the personality of a dead blowfish? If so, come join me and 2,500+ entrepreneurs who’re taking April’s latest CreativeLive course, Double Your Followers with Creative Marketing. You can RSVP and watch for FREE. Yep, free. High fives, wildflowers, wine samples. Who doesn’t love free?


  1. Flavia says:

    Nice to meet you, Haydee! 🙂 I’m also on April’s blog tour and I’m looking forward to her bootcamp and to getting to know more creative entrepreneurs!

    • Haydee Montemayor says:

      Hi Flavia, great to meet you as well! 🙂 I’m familiar with your name from having participated in April and Mayi’s offerings in the past. I look forward to getting to know you more. 🙂

  2. Hi Haydee! Stopping by from the blog tour! How are you enjoying the class so far? It trully is amazing the amount of content that is being provided. I’m always so amazed by how generous everyone is with sharing their knowledge in this online space. I’m there with you trying to work on my Instagram presence. I’m totally late to the game, and just started my account about a month ago. But I totally agree that I’m already feeling the community and love there!

    • Haydee Montemayor says:

      Hi Summer! Thanks for stopping by! I’m loving the course, I just got off of April’s weekly call. You’re right, there’s a lot of content being provided. And yes, Instagram is a pretty neat space. We’ll have to run into each other there. 🙂 I see that you’re encouraging people to follow you on Instagram when they visit your site. I love your website name, by the way! 🙂

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