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Have you ever come across a product you know is great just by looking at it?
Sometimes, it’s because the product is cool.
Other times, because it’s beautiful.
Yet some other times, it’s because the product gives you good vibes or it clicks with you.
Well, such is the case with Leonie Dawson’s 2016 Create Your Shining Year in Life and Biz workbooks, which she creates for the world yearly.
Before I tell you all about the Create Your Shining Year in Life workbooks (I’ll be talking about the Biz version in the next post), let me give you a little bit of background on them.
What Exactly Are These 2016 Create Your Shining Year Workbooks?
They are workbooks that have changed the lives, business and dream-acquiring potential of more than 120,000 women for 7 years now. The idea to create these New Years resolution workbooks came to Leonie when she was pregnant in 2009. And what an idea it was because they have been best-sellers and game-changers every year.