Amazon Favorite Things That Brought The Most Joy During This Pandemic

If you’ve been following the word of the wise, you should have been socially distancing, staying at home, wearing a mask and washing your hands for the vast majority of the past year. During this past year, you’ve learned to value the big things like health, life, family, home, job, income and love. You’ve also learned to value the teeny tiny little things — the things that are a pick-me-up to these endless days that we are blessed enough to be home. THAT’S what this blog post is about. In it, I’ll share what my favorite Amazon purchases have been during the pandemic.


The links that you’ll find here are links that will take you to Amazon, where you may want to learn more about or purchase the products that I share. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but if you use my links, this blog will benefit monetarily.

Let’s Focus On the Important Things First

And before we go on, can I just send you a virtual high-five and a virtual hug letting you know HOW proud of you I am for making it THIS far? REALLY! It’s no easy thing. There are so many we’ve lost along the way. But YOU are HERE. And I’m proud of you and how you’ve been the Super Woman that’s taken care of yourself and your family.

If you’re a mom, instead of being LESS busy (like everybody else says they are as a result of the pandemic), you’re MORE busy than EVER. So these blessings, which in this blog post refer to the Amazon purchases, go a LONG way in bringing us joy. I’m not a materialist. After all, I named this blog what I named it, not Amazon blessings. 😉 However, when we couldn’t control the world, being able to open Amazon and have things shipped to us in 2 days, while still social distancing, truly was a blessing. = )

My Amazon Favorites During The Pandemic

Here are the things that have brought me the most joy during this pandemic and I hope they bring you the most joy as well.

Earrings That Say on You 100% of The Time

I LOVE earrings. I’m the type of girl who felt wasn’t wearing any clothing if I didn’t have earrings on when I went out. My outfit NEVER seems complete without them.

To me, earrings are more important than makeup and even how you do your hair and nails. Heck, they’re even more important than clothing itself.


So, one day, during this pandemic, I thought, I want to feel “put together” from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed even though I’m wearing my PJ’s and comfy clothes most of the time. And I realized that the answer to THAT “problem” was that I needed earrings that I could sleep with. I only have one earring hole on each ear so I went on Amazon, a.k.a. my favorite store (and probably yours, too, since you’re reading this blog post) and bought the comfiest little diamond studs I’ve ever worn. They’re sparkly. They come in different sizes and they don’t poke me when I lay on them.

They’ve been SO perfect for the cause that I wanted them that I haven’t taken them off since I put them on. They have been on my ears for months through many holidays and birthdays that we’ve spent quarantining. I’m sure that I’ll continue wearing them even after this pandemic and they would be a perfect reason to get a 2nd or a 3rd earlobe hole to continue wearing them.


I’m not all about physical appearance and jewels. I’m about the mind, the soul, the heart, professional development and fitness, too.

Mindvalley is a WONDERFUL personal development platform. During the pandemic, I’ve completed two months-long courses and several masterclasses on Mindvalley. The first one was Lifebook. The second course which I’m about to wrap up was a 10x fitness class which taught me how to lift weights for the first time in my life. 

I’ve also heard the Mindvalley podcast and participated in several of their webinars. I have more classes lined up to take. As a matter of fact, I’m starting one the day after I’m writing this post. If you’re into personal development, you’ll LOVE this platform. Vishen Lakhiani is a visionary who believes in being educated in the things that really matter: love, health, relationships, self, dream manifesting and meditation. If you’ve EVER wanted to get into meditation but thought your mind was too active to meditate, Vishen’s voice will take you there.

I know it’s not for everyone, but this investment in yourself is one of the most important investments you’ll EVER be able to take.


Celery Juicer

A couple of years ago, I came across the Medical Medium. (I told you I was about the soul, right? 😀 ) Anthony William, otherwise known as the Medical Medium, is a gentleman who helps people heal and even helps DOCTORS heal people.

One of his greatest teachings is that drinking celery juice is extremely beneficial to the body. So while I had been making celery juice by making it in the Vitamix and then straining it in a nut bag, I wanted to simplify life by having a juicer. I bought an Omega NC900HDC Premium Juicer and Nutrition System which has made juicing celery faster, more enjoyable and more doable.

You can buy this juicer from or from Amazon. Amazon sometimes offers the ability to pay over time via monthly payments. 

Other than drinking celery on an empty stomach, I also love this juicer to make apple juice and carrot juice. This juicer is a bit of an investment but it’s well worth it. It’s a slow-masticating juicer that preserves nutrients in your fruits and vegetables.

This juicer and getting the benefits from it came at the perfect time since having a strong immune system has never been more important.




Speaking of the immune system, the FIRST thing I bought after the shutdown were vitamins. I spent literally hundreds of dollars on vitamins to make sure that my family and I had what we needed during the pandemic.

I’ll remind you that I’m just a mom, trying to keep her children, her family and herself healthy, and that I’m NOT a medical professional, so consult with them and/or with your conscience before buying any supplements.

Here are the vitamins I bought:

Sovereign Silver

After you have a bottle with a dropper (I recommend the 8 oz. bottle above), buy the biggest bottle you can afford.

This 40 oz bottle below is one of the biggest ones I’ve found.

Children’s Sovereign Silver

I LOVE this product and my kids do, too. It pretty much tastes like water. You just have to keep the product underneath your tongue for 30 seconds and then swallow it. The kids like counting to 30, it’s like a little game.

As a parent, I have A LOT of faith in Children’s Sovereign Silver. So much so, that it’s the first supplement I give my kids. I give it to them more often than anything else and if I had to choose only one supplement to give them, it would be this.


Vimergy Vitamin C- Known as Micro C Enhanced with Rose Hips, Grape Seed Extract

If you, like me thought that the most important thing to buy once the pandemic started were vitamins (instead of toilet paper), you probably noticed that people flocked toward vitamin C. So for a while there, you had to wait your turn for access to vitamin C.

But I got in the right line back then and I want you to get in the right line going forward. Buy these natural, no-additives-added vitamin that is SUPER effective. They’re Micro C vitamins from Vimergy. Just when you thought that all vitamin C products were created equal and that they couldn’t get any better, you come to find out that this Vitamin C is better than the rest.

Aside from helping your immune system, this brand of Vitamin C helps your cardiovascular system, is an antioxidant AND helps your skin.

You can buy the Vimergy vitamins from the official Vimergy website ( )  or you can buy them from Amazon. The benefit of buying them from the Vimergy website is that you can often get free shipping if you purchase more than a designated amount and a 15% discount. Regardless of where you buy them, buy them. They’re really top-notch vitamins. What makes them so is that they’re really natural. They don’t have added sugars, artificial coloring, artificial flavors or citric acid. Finding vitamins THIS pure are really hard to find, but your immune system will thank you for the effort.

Vimergy Zinc

As result of the pandemic you’ve probably heard that Zinc and B-12 are effective in keeping your immune system strong. But as you’re catching on by now, Vimergy produces products that are above the rest. Yes, they’re more expensive, but it’s better to invest in your health now and keep it healthy than to find yourself (Heaven forbid) with a hospital or medical facility bill.


Vimergy Organic B-12

One of the vitamins people are most deficient in is B-12. This is especially the case for people who don’t consume a lot of meat products. The sad thing is that most people are not as familiar with this vitamin, and therefore, never think of consuming it.



Vimergy Cat’s Claw

Don’t be put off by the name. I know it’s not the sexiest. But, it is one heck of a supplement. If I ever feel a slightly itchy throat, I love taking this because it’ll have the effect of slightly “scratching” your throat and getting rid of that minor throat discomfort.


Vimergy L-Lysine

Another not-so-well-known vitamin is L-Lysine.

L-Lysine helps:

  • improve your immune system
  • improve the growth and quality of your hair, skin, tissues and
  • strengthen your bones

It works wonderfully in conjunction with Vimergy’s Vitamin C.


Andrew Lessman Essential 1 Multivitamins

I’ve discovered these vitamins more than a decade ago, and they’re my favorite multivitamins. They work for me plus I love that they’re so natural. They’re produced in a solar facility in Nevada that uses the power of the sun to manufacture these pure and effective vitamins. They have been producing them this way since before it was super cool to have solar panels.


Gaia Herbs Black Elderberry Syrup

If you prefer to take natural supplements and natural remedies, you’re probably familiar with elderberry syrup. Some people make elderberry syrup and others, like me, prefer to buy it. It’s handy for me to have when I want to make sure that my throat is ready to eradicate any discomfort coming on.

I have this on Amazon Subscribe and Save. If we haven’t used it up, I just skip the upcoming shipment.

Remember to store this syrup in the fridge after you open it.

GaiaKids Bronchial Wellness Syrup


If you want to give your kids something natural to fortify their throat, this Bronchial Wellness

I also have this on Amazon Subscribe and Save. Sometimes I skip shipments since we haven’t used up the prior bottle, but this helps ensure that we always have it at the ready.

Store this syrup in the fridge after you open it, too.


Semier Cassette Player

I know I’m probably giving away my age in telling you that one of the best things I bought was a cassette player. Let me explain. Lol. 😉 Never mind, I’m proud of my age and still being alive despite this pandemic.

But I do want to explain why this Semier cassette player brought SO much joy. You see, I have a stereo with a dual cassette deck and two boomboxes, and one day I wanted to play a cassette. Guess what? NONE of the cassette players worked. Getting clear, beautiful sound or any sound AT ALL was apparently too big of an ask for the universe.

Therefore, I went online to various stores, including Amazon, and even though I wanted to replace at least one boombox with a name brand boombox from about 15 years ago — it pretty much was an impossibility. The big names in stereos apparently don’t make stereos anymore. There’s only like one recognizable brand from back in the day and when you read THOSE reviews, they’re bad. 🤷‍♀️ It’s really weird.

So based on Amazon reviews, I came across this brand. I had never heard of it. But that ended up not mattering because when I inserted my tape into the tape player, clear, beautiful music ACTUALLY played. It was like a miracle! I was actually starting to fear that I wouldn’t get to listen to the tapes I wanted to hear ever again.

And let me warn you, I’ve seen this boombox be out of stock and then come back in stock, so if you want to listen to your tapes sooner rather than later, and you see this Semier boombox available, get it as soon as you can.

The idea of not controlling a tape recorder from your phone is still a bit foreign, but it’s a blessing to be able to hear audio that is able to bring us so much joy, ESPECIALLY despite the times we’ve been through.

It’s worth getting this Semier cassette player if only to listen to one tape that you really feel like listening to. Those mixtapes really were something! And no company or music-streaming service can match them.


Bluetooth Wireless Speakers

I know that it’s 2021 (or beyond by the time you’re reading this) and that cassette players are old news for most people, but what IS beneficial for people nowadays are Bluetooth wireless speakers.

I know that there’s a HUGE market for these speakers and a variety of name-brand speakers you can choose from however, I bought my first pair of wireless speakers during this pandemic and I just wanted something that sounded great (to me) and looked nice.

I ended up getting the DOSS Bluetooth wireless speakers. I think they look stylish and they’re a great alternative to having headphones on for many hours.


Apple AirPods

Like many people, I resisted the idea of getting Apple AirPods. What can be so great about those wireless headphones that some people have accidentally flushed down the toilet?


I know it sounds predictable and cliché, BUT once again Apple created a life-changing product. Their wired headphones that came with older iPhones and even their iPods were great. They’re stylish. The sound quality is good. The Apple AirPods are out of this world.

The convenience of not being tethered to your computer, laptop or phone and be able to go to the restroom, talk on the phone, make a meal, load the dishwasher, unload the dishwasher, listen to a podcast or exercise while wearing these wireless AirPods is life-changing. You may THINK that being able to do these things is a want and not a need. Once you experience the freedom AirPods give you and the joy that listening to music, a YouTube program, a podcast or a Mindvalley course bring to all those days you’ve spent at home, you’ll realize how necessary they are.


AirPod Case

It’s one thing to have Apple AirPods, it’s another thing to have the cutest Apple AirPod cover you can. There are many out there. For me, it was this Carebears case. Isn’t it adorable?

I bought mine from Amazon, but since it wasn’t available I looked for another way for you to purchase it because I didn’t want to leave you hanging.

Plus, now you’ll have the benefit of buying whatever case you want, whether it’s this same Carebear case, another color Carebear or any other style.


Turbro Electric Fireplace

We’ve had this house for more than a decade, and even though this house has a pretty chimney in the family room, I had never used it. Why? Because I’m not a fan of real fire and I didn’t have an electric log set before.

2020 changed it all!

I bought this Turbro Electric Fireplace before Christmas 2020 and it made Christmas and winter in general much more cozy and special. The difference in the ambiance it provides is VERY noticeable. We easily turned on the fireplace in the morning, while having breakfast, in the evening while eating dinner, and sometimes throughout the day, if necessary. We were even turning it on in early March 2021.

A fireplace with real fire may feel romantic, but this electric log set is WAY more convenient, practical and awesome. If you have pets or kids — it’s the best choice.

If you think you cannot have an electric log set because you don’t have a plug very close to your chimney, think again. The Turbo workers informed me that there is a special extension cord that CAN work for you. You just have to make sure that it doesn’t overheat within an hour. It comes with TWO of these chords.

I love it SO much that I want this electric fireplace for a second chimney in our home. This is one of the things that I’m looking forward to having my family members see when the pandemic is over. Ironically, the last time they were here was Christmas 2019, so when they’re able to come back, I’ll be able to turn this fireplace on WITH or WITHOUT heat depending on the month they visit.


Paper Mate Erasers

I know I’ve shared some substantial items on this list, but now I’m about to mention the SIMPLEST one of all. Erasers. The kind you put on top of pencils when you’ve used up all the eraser on your pencil.

As a writer, it’s not fun needing to erase something and getting one pencil without an eraser, and then another and another. And neither is having to homeschool and pointing out a mistake and having your child experience the same thing and you having to wait for them to find an eraser to erase with.

Kids have WAY too much work, and so do you (piling up all over the house and in Asana or your to-do list) and nobody has time to waste finding an eraser.

That’s why I wholeheartedly bought this pack of Paper Mate erasers and put them on SO many pencils around the house in various pencil holders because erasers NEED to be easily accessible.

I have new pencils. Don’t worry. But why not use a perfectly good and long pencil that just happened to see its eraser disappear sooner?

These erasers are so good that I am drawn to them more than I’m drawn to the famous Pentax erasers in both rectangle and retractable form. You heard me. I like these eraser toppers MORE than I love the Pentax erasers. Plus, they’re on many of the erasers that we use, so they’re really handy. I know it’s a little lame that I’m raving about these erasers this much, but it’s the little things that make quarantine days flow a little better. = )


It Was The Little Things That Turned Out To Be The Biggest Blessings

While NONE of us ever predicted living through a pandemic, and no THING can undo the damage that this pandemic caused on our lives and our collective humanity, Amazon was one of those companies that was a God-sent for a pandemic like this.

Most of all, it was the HOME that the Amazon packages were sent to, the family that lived with us or that was checking up on us, the food we ate, a healthy day, the hummingbird outside our window, the water out of our faucet, the food on our table, the clothes in our closet, the extra things we had bought prior to the pandemic that saved us money during it, the hugs we got, the masks that protected us, the smiling eyes, the feeling (at one point) of everybody being in the same boat, the bed we lay on and the pillow that cradled our dreams. Those were the biggest blessings and ones I don’t think we’ll ever take for granted.


What Were YOUR Joys During This Pandemic?

It’s one thing to watch a video or read a blog on Amazon favorites. It’s an entirely different thing to hear about Amazon favorites that truly did bring joy in the midst of a pandemic.

Therefore, I’d LOVE it if you could share what some of those things were for you. Feel free to share with me why.

Until then, I’m sending you another squishy hug because I’m so happy you’re here on this blog site and on this Earth. Stay safe, my friend!!! 👋😊

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